Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 23

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1    confinement, the confinement window and the corresponding process                             
           2    window are increased”  (Hubacek Declaration, page 6, ll. 1-3).                                
           3          Assuming for argument’s sake that the underlying facts as alleged by                    
           4    Mr. Hubacek are true, we still are faced with the fact that Mr. Hubacek has                   
           5    not stated that these results are unexpected or surprising, or why they would                 
           6    be so.  Better is not necessarily unexpected or surprising.  Accordingly, we                  
           7    are unpersuaded by the Appellants’ evidence of unexpected results.                            
           8                 (f) Uwai describes the advantages of thicker electrodes                          
           9          The Examiner has cited Uwai as evidence in support of the                               
          10    determination that the results were expected.  According to the Examiner,                     
          11    Uwai shows that as a general principal a thicker electrode will have a                        
          12    smaller temperature gradient.  (Uwai, col. 4, lines 27-36). (Final Rejection,                 
          13    p.21, ll. 1-5).                                                                               
          14          We also find that Uwai teaches an electrode plate should be thick                       
          15    rather than thin from the standpoint of durability (Uwai, col. 2, ll. 62-63) and              
          16    that to keep the surface temperature uniform across the plate (ll. 52-53) thin                
          17    warpable sheets should be avoided.                                                            
          18                 (g) Appellants’ Arguments                                                        
          19          The Appellants urge that despite their evidence, the Examiner “fails to                 
          20    provide any evidence suggesting that the probability of cracking of an                        
          21    electrode is reduced by making it 0.25 inch and thicker” (Br., p. 14, ll. 14-                 
          22    16).    The Appellants also urge that Uwai  “does not suggest that the glassy                 
          23    carbon electrodes can provide improved resistance to cracking” (Br., p. 14,                   
          24    ll. 20-21).                                                                                   


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