Ex Parte 5573648 et al - Page 35

            Appeal 2007-0128                                                                                  
            Reexamination Control 90/006,208                                                                  
            Patent 5,573,648                                                                                  

            Vanderborgh’s electrodes are too small.  Atwood concludes that each of the                        
            references Aleads away from the subject matter of the claims@ and that the                        
            references are not combinable to form a device having each and every element of                   
            the appealed claims (Appeal Br. at 42).                                                           
                   A reference may be relied upon for all that it teaches and not merely its                  
            preferred embodiments.  Grot and Uchida describe their proton-electron mixed                      
            conductive electrodes as being used in a variety of applications, including gas                   
            sensors as well as fuel cells.   Grot and Uchida=s claimed electrodes are not                     
            restricted in their use.  That Grot and Uchida=s fuel cells may employ non                        
            Aambient@ temperature and pressure conditions does not negate the fact that both                  
            Grot and Uchida specifically state that their electrodes have utility in gas sensor               
            applications.  Taking the teachings of Grot and Uchida as a whole, we find that                   
            Grot and Uchida do not Ateach away@ from Atwood=s claimed subject matter.                         
                   Atwood is correct in stating that Vanderborgh describes an electrode that has              
            a smaller diameter than that recited in Atwood’s claims.  Atwood however, fails to                
            demonstrate that Vanderborgh is limited to such diameters.  For example, while all                
            of Vanderborgh’s claims are directed to electrodes, none of Vanderborgh’s claims                  
            is limited to a particular diameter.                                                              
                   Taking Grot, Uchida and Vanderborgh as a whole, we find that the                           
            references do not teach away from Atwood’s claimed gas sensor.  We conclude                       
            that Dempsey taken in combination with Grot, Uchida and/or Vanderborgh teach                      
            all that is required by Atwood claim 1.                                                           


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