Ex Parte Pitman et al - Page 17

              Appeal 2007-0537                                                                     
              Application 10/102,902                                                               
                    In each case, following recitation of the claim phrase, Appellants             
              argue:  The “Examiner’s position is flawed as a matter of fact and as a              
              matter of law.  Specifically, neither Cornilescu, nor Gilhuijs, nor Atta-ur-         
              Rahman, nor any alleged combination thereof teaches or suggests this                 
              feature [or] each and every element of the claimed invention as recited in           
              [the subject] claim.”  (App. Br. 31-34.)   Appellants provide no explanation         
              why this is so with respect to any of these claims.5  (Id.)                          
                    The Examiner found each recited limitation met by the references.              
              (Answer 11-12 (referencing Answer 7-11); see also FF 20.)  We have                   
              considered the Examiner’s findings with respect to the recited limitations.          
              Lacking any argument by Appellants why the Examiner’s findings are                   
              flawed, we agree with the Examiner that the references would have taught or          
              suggested the recited limitations of claims 1, 11, 14, 20, 24, and 27 to the         
              skilled artisan and would have taught or suggested the subject matter of the         
              claims as a whole.                                                                   

              5 Again, in our view, Appellants have not fully complied with 37 C.F.R.              
              § 41.37(c)(1)(vii) which requires more than recitation of an additional claim        
              limitation.  Merely stating the references don’t teach or suggest the                
              limitation or all the elements of the claim, coupled with a statement that the       
              Examiner’s position is “flawed,” is not sufficient.  Nevertheless, we have           
              considered each recited limitation, and the Examiner’s findings with respect         
              to each.                                                                             

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