Ex Parte Pitman et al - Page 18

              Appeal 2007-0537                                                                     
              Application 10/102,902                                                               
              The Rejection of Claim 5                                                             
                    Claim 5 is rejected under § 103 based on Cornilescu, Gilhuijs, and             
              Aude.  “Claim 5 is identical to claim 1 with the additional limitation of            
              cluster analysis to determine molecular structure.”  (Answer 13.)  Aude              
              teaches that cluster analysis of protein sequences “has been commonly used           
              by biologists for a long time.”  (FF 21; Answer 13.)  Appellants do not              
              respond to this finding.   Rather, they state Aude “merely discloses an              
              application of a pyramidal clustering algorithm for biological objects”              
              without providing any reason why the skilled artisan would not have utilized         
              clustering analysis to determine molecular structure.  (App. Br. 35.)                
                    Appellants argue that Aude does not address the deficiencies of                
              Cornilescu and Gilhuijs with respect to the claim limitations that appear in         
              both claims 1 and 5.  As we previously found Cornilescu and Gilhuijs teach           
              or suggest these claim limitations, it is unnecessary for us to address this         
              argument again.                                                                      
                    Appellants also argue Aude would not have been combined with                   
              Cornilescu and Gilhuijs, but do not give any reason.  (App. Br. 34.)  We             
              agree with the Examiner that the combination is an appropriate one.  Thus,           
              based on our findings and those of the Examiner, we conclude the invention           
              of claim 5 would have been obvious in view of the cited references.                  
                    In summary, given the teachings of the cited references and                    
              Appellants’ failure to limit the scope of their claims, we affirm the § 103(a)       
              rejections of all the pending claims.                                                


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