Ex Parte Eom - Page 3

                     The rejections as presented by the Examiner are as follows:                          
                  1. Claims 15 and 17-19 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being                 
                     anticipated by Tyler.                                                                
                  2. Claim 20 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                           
                     unpatentable over Tyler.                                                             
                  3. Claim 16 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                           
                     unpatentable over Tyler and Paolini.                                                 
                     Rather than reiterate the opposing arguments, reference is made to the               
               Briefs and the Answer for the respective positions of Appellant and the                    
               Examiner.  Only those arguments actually made by Appellant have been                       
               considered in this decision.  Arguments which Appellant could have made                    
               but chose not to make in the Brief have not been considered (37 C.F.R.                     
               § 41.37(c)(1)(vii)).                                                                       
                     We affirm.                                                                           
                     The issue is whether Appellant has shown that the Examiner erred in                  
               rejecting the claims under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e).  Appellant’s arguments focus                
               on the claimed limitation related to the electric field generating means                   
               disposed along opposing lateral sides of the channel (Br. 5-7).  Specifically,             
               the issue is:                                                                              
                            whether the electrodes on the upper surface of the dividing                   
                            walls of the channels in Tyler are the same as the claimed                    
                            subject matter including the electrodes disposed along lateral                
                            sides of the channel.                                                         

                                          FINDINGS OF FACT                                                
                     Appellant’s claim 15 requires a channel which is uniformly crossing                  
               the surface of the bottom portion of a backlight assembly to be disposed                   

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Last modified: September 9, 2013