Ex Parte Eom - Page 6

               the top of the outer wall 13” which is the same as the recited position of                 
               “along opposing lateral sides of the channel.”                                             
                     Contrary to Appellant’s arguments that Tyler does not define the term                
               “envelope” (Br. 6), Tyler does describe the envelope as rectangular block 10               
               which is machined to form four outer walls and a number of internal                        
               dividing walls that define the channels (col. 3, ll. 14-20).  Therefore, locating          
               the electrodes internally of the envelope (Tyler, col. 6, ll. 22-23) actually              
               allows the electrodes to be positioned inside the channels along the dividing              
                     In view of the analysis above, we find that Tyler prima facie                        
               anticipates claim 15 as the reference teaches all the recited features.                    
               Additionally, Appellant does not argue claims 17-19 separately from their                  
               base claim and thus, allows these claims to fall with claim 15.                            
                     2.  35 U.S.C. § 103 Rejection                                                        
                     With respect to the rejection of the remaining claims, Appellant relies              
               on similar arguments discussed above and merely asserts that Paolini1 does                 
               not cure the deficiencies of Tyler.  Accordingly, as Appellant fails to point to           
               any error in the Examiner’s position with sufficient particularity, we remain              
               unconvinced by Appellant’s arguments that the Examiner erred in rejecting                  
               claims 16 and 20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                                    
                  3.  Other arguments addressing prosecution of related applications                      
                     Appellant further argues that the claimed feature requiring the electric             
               field generating means be positioned “along opposing lateral sides of the                  
               1   Although the effective date of Paolini is after the foreign priority date              
               claimed by Appellant, absent a showing that a certified translation of the                 
               priority document is filed, we do not find any error is the examiner’s                     

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Last modified: September 9, 2013