Ex Parte No Data - Page 32

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   USPQ2d at 1322.  The first dictionary definition of “row,” series of objects                                     
                   placed next to each other, is reasonable on its face, and certainly as                                           
                   reasonable as the second and third definitions relied upon by Patentee.  That                                    
                   the row objects are placed next to each other does not exclude the presence                                      
                   of an additional structure such as a space.                                                                      
                           Patentee also argues that the term “alternating” requires continuity.                                    
                   (Appeal Br. at 35).  Patentee states that Guarriello describes “repeating”                                       
                   pairs as opposed to alternating projections and recesses.  Patentee’s                                            
                   contention fails to distinguish the prior art.  Guarriello’s projections and                                     
                   recesses form an alternating pattern along the top and bottom surfaces of the                                    
                   insulating form.                                                                                                 
                           Guarriello describes and depicts a series of projections and recesses                                    
                   that are placed next to each other, albeit with a space between them.                                            
                   (Guarriello Figs. 8 and 9, the space being upper face 262).  We find that                                        
                   Guarriello describes and depicts at least two rows of alternating projections                                    
                   and recesses.                                                                                                    

                                          iii.    Patentee Contends that Guarriello Does not Teach                                  
                                                  a “Raised Sealing Member” that is “Between” or                                    
                                                  Adjacent” the Rows of Alternating Projections and                                 

                           Patentee claims 4 and 17 require an “intermediate raised sealing                                         
                   member” and claims 5 and 18 require a “raised sealing member.”  Patentee                                         
                   contends that Guarriello does not teach a “raised” sealing member and to the                                     
                   extent it does, the raised member is not adjacent or between the rows of                                         
                   projections and recesses.  (Appeal Br. at 35-36).  According to Patentee,                                        


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Last modified: September 9, 2013