Ex Parte No Data - Page 35

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   the body cavity thereof.”  (See, e.g., Horobin ‘969, Fig. 1 and col. 2, ll. 34-                                  

                                          v.      Patentee Contends that Guarriello Does Not Teach                                  
                                                  “Connecting Members” that “Extend Along the                                       
                                                  Entire Length” of the Top and Bottom Edges of                                     
                                                  the Construction Member                                                           

                           Patentee claims 7 and 13 require that the interconnecting means, i.e.,                                   
                   projections and recesses, extend along the entire length top and bottom                                          
                   edges of the construction member.  Patentee argues that Guarriello fails to                                      
                   describe such a structure.  (Appeal Br. at 38 and 40-41).                                                        
                           According to Patentee, there are “clear and unmistakable                                                 
                   discontinuities or gaps between locking member on each cavity of the                                             
                   Guarriello ‘222 form.”  (Appeal Br. at 39).  Patentee concludes that the                                         
                   language “extend along the entire length” excludes the discontinuities                                           
                   present in Guarriello’s form.  We disagree.                                                                      
                           The Board is tasked with providing claims their broadest reasonable                                      
                   interpretation.  The plain language “extend across the entire length” does not                                   
                   exclude the presence of spaces as part of the interconnecting means as it                                        
                   spans the length of the form.  Further, Patentee’s specification does not                                        
                   define the language “extend across the entire length” as excluding spaces                                        
                   between its specific interconnecting means of projections and recesses as                                        
                   they span the length of the form.  Based, upon the plain language of the                                         
                   claims, and interpreted in light of the specification, we conclude that the                                      
                   language “extend across the entire length” does not exclude the presence of                                      
                   spaces between projections and recesses.  We find that Guarriello teaches                                        


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Last modified: September 9, 2013