Ex Parte No Data - Page 41

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   an insulating block having square projections and recesses.                                                      

                                          x.      Patentee Contends that Guarriello Does not                                        
                                                  Disclose “Continuous” Projections and Recesses                                    
                           Independent claim 30 requires at least two rows of alternating                                           
                   rectangular projections and recesses.  Claim 30 requires that the projections                                    
                   and recesses each comprise:                                                                                      
                           [O]pposed walls parallel to the longitudinal direction and                                               
                           opposed walls perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, each                                          
                           row comprising more than one projection and more than one                                                
                           recess, with such alternating projections and recesses                                                   
                           continuously repeated along each of the top and bottom edges                                             
                           and with the opposed walls perpendicular to the longitudinal                                             
                           direction of at least one projection also defining walls of two                                          
                           adjacent recesses, wherein said recess of one row is adjacent                                            
                           said projection of the other row, said projections and recesses                                          
                           having substantially the same dimensions. . .                                                            

                   (Amendment filed November 16, 2004). 4                                                                           
                           Patentee contends that Guarriello’s L shaped channel is distinct from                                    
                   Patentee’s claimed opposed walls that are either parallel or perpendicular to                                    
                   the axial direction.  (Br. at 49).  Patentee also states that Guarriello fails to                                
                   describe opposed walls that are perpendicular to the axial direction that                                        
                   define walls of two adjacent recesses.  (Id.).  Patentee’s contentions are moot                                  
                   in light of the new grounds of rejection.                                                                        
                   4 Note, the Claims Appendix attached to Patentee’s Appeal Brief contains an                                      
                   incorrect recitation of claim 30.  For example, claim 30 on appeal requires a                                    
                   “web interconnecting said side members” but the Claims Appendix recites                                          
                   “joining means interconnecting said side members.”  Further, claim 30 on                                         
                   appeal refers to longitudinal direction whereas the Claims Appendix claim                                        
                   30 refers to “axial direction.”                                                                                  


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Last modified: September 9, 2013