Ex Parte No Data - Page 43

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                                  2.      The Rejection of Claims 12 and 20 as Obvious over                                         
                                          Guarriello in view of Horobin ‘969                                                        
                           Claim 12 depends from independent claim 11, which is directed to an                                      
                   insulating block having projections and recesses of substantially the same                                       
                   dimensions on the top and bottom edges of the side members.  Claim 12                                            
                   requires that the insulating block include removable end pieces that have                                        
                   projections and side members having grooves for receiving the projections                                        
                   of the end pieces.  Similarly, claim 20 depends from independent claim 19                                        
                   and also requires the presence of removable end pieces.                                                          
                           The Examiner found that Guarriello shows all the claimed limitation                                      
                   except for the removable end pieces having projections slidable into the                                         
                   grooves of side members.  (Answer, p. 8-9).  The Examiner further found                                          
                   that Horobin ‘969 teaches end pieces that mate with side members to form a                                       
                   wall structure.  (Id. at 9).  The Examiner concluded that one of ordinary skill                                  
                   in the art would have modified Guarriello to include the removable end                                           
                   pieces of Horobin ‘969 to increase the versatility of Guarriello’s blocks by                                     
                   allowing the attachment of additional structures onto the side members.  (Id.                                    
                   at 9 and 17).                                                                                                    
                           Patentee states that Guarriello does not show a removable end cavity                                     
                   and that Guarriello solved the problem a different way.  (Appeal Br. at 51).                                     
                   From this Patentee concludes that Guarriello “teaches away from the idea of                                      
                   a removable end member.”  (Id.).                                                                                 
                           A reference “teaches away” if it suggests that the line of development                                   
                   flowing from the reference's disclosure is unlikely to be productive of the                                      
                   result sought by the applicant.  In re Gurley, 27 F.3d 551, 553, 31 USPQ2d                                       
                   1130, 1131 (Fed. Cir. 1994).                                                                                     


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