Ex Parte No Data - Page 47

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   suggested in any one or all of the references.  Rather, the test is what the                                     
                   combined teachings of the references would have suggested to those of                                            
                   ordinary skill in the art.”).                                                                                    
                           As to Patentee claim 29, the Examiner has demonstrated that Patentee                                     
                   has substituted one known element for another to obtain a predictable result.                                    
                   In particular, the Examiner has established that Horobin teaches one skilled                                     
                   in the art how to make and use webs formed separately from the side panels.                                      
                   The Examiner has also established that the use of Horobin’s web in the                                           
                   insulating form of Guarriello involves a simple substitution of one known                                        
                   element, a web formed separately from the side panels, for another known                                         
                   element, a web not formed separately from the side panels.  The Examiner                                         
                   further established that one of ordinary skill in the art would have                                             
                   understood that the substitution of Horobin’s web for that of Guarriello                                         
                   would improve upon the teachings of Guarriello, namely that it would                                             
                   facilitate transportation of the insulating blocks.  Patentee has failed to                                      
                   demonstrate that these findings were made in error.  We conclude that                                            
                   Patentee has failed to demonstrate that the Examiner erred in rejecting claim                                    
                   29 over the cited Guarriello and Horobin.                                                                        

                           C.     The Rejections Under 35 U.S.C. §112                                                               
                                  1.      Rejection of Claim 30 as Indefinite                                                       
                           Independent claim 30 is directed to an insulating construction block                                     
                   having rectangular projections and recesses.  The projections and recesses                                       
                   comprise opposed walls parallel to the longitudinal direction and opposed                                        
                   walls perpendicular to the longitudinal direction.  The opposed walls                                            
                   perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of at least one projection define                                    


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