Ex Parte No Data - Page 38

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                           We find it odd that Patentee directs our attention to column 3, lines                                    
                   20-24 and lines 26-27 of its specification but overlooks line 25.  The                                           
                   sentence starting at line 25 reads as follows:                                                                   
                           The polymer may be foamed polymer, or more generally, such                                               
                           webs are formed of non-foamed material.                                                                  
                   (Philippe, ‘933 Specification, col. 3, ll. 25-27, emphasis added).  We decline                                   
                   to read Patentee’s preferred “non-foamed” web embodiment into Patentee’s                                         
                   claims given the specification’s explicit statement that the webs may be                                         
                   formed from foamed material.                                                                                     
                           Patentee also contends that:                                                                             
                           The term “web” is therefore not only a different material but is                                         
                           also a separate piece that joins the side panels when the web is                                         

                   (Appeal Br. at 42).  Patentee’s specification states that the web “may” be an                                    
                   adjustable web and does not require that the web be a separate piece.                                            
                   (Philippe, ‘933 Specification, col. 3, ll. 31-33).  As such, we do not read                                      
                   Patentee’s claimed web as limited to a separate piece of material.  We do not                                    
                   credit Patentee’s alleged differences between Guarriello’s interior separator                                    
                   formed of foamed polymer and Patentee’s broadly claimed “web,” which                                             
                   also may be formed from foamed polymer.                                                                          

                                          viii. Patentee Contends that Guarriello Fails to Disclose                                 
                                                  the Combination of (a) Projections and Recesses                                   
                                                  that are “Continuous and Contiguous”, (b)                                         
                                                  Rectangular Projections and Recesses and (c) Side                                 
                                                  Panels with “Planar” Inner Surfaces                                               

                           Independent claim 19, and claims 20-29 which depend upon claim 19,                                       


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Last modified: September 9, 2013