Ex Parte No Data - Page 45

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   passage of concrete from one vertical cavity to another.  We conclude that                                       
                   Patentee has failed to demonstrate that the Examiner erred in rejecting                                          
                   claims 12 and 20 as obvious over Guarriello and Horobin.                                                         

                                  3.      The Rejection of Claim 29 as Obvious over Guarriello in                                   
                                          view of Horobin ‘382                                                                      
                           Patentee claim 29 depends upon claim 15, which in turn depends from                                      
                   independent claim 11.  Independent claim 11 is directed to an insulating                                         
                   block having projections and recesses on the top and bottom edges of                                             
                   parallel side members and a joining means interconnecting the side                                               
                   members.  Dependent claim 15 states that the joining means is a web and                                          
                   dependent claim 29 states that the web is formed separately from the side                                        
                           The Examiner found that Guarriello teaches all the limitations of                                        
                   claim 29 except for the web being formed separately from the side panels.                                        
                   The Examiner further found that Horobin ‘382 describes a web member that                                         
                   interconnects side panels and is formed separately from the side panels.                                         
                   (Appeal Br. at 9).  Accordingly, the Examiner found that the difference                                          
                   between Patentee claim 29 and the prior art is whether it would have been                                        
                   obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to substitute Horobin’s “web” that                                   
                   was formed separate from the side panels for that of Guarriello’s.  Regarding                                    
                   this difference, the Examiner stated that it would have been obvious to one                                      
                   of ordinary skill in the art to modify Guarriello and form the side panels                                       
                   separately to allow for the easy formation of the panels and webs and                                            
                   facilitate transportation of the structures.  (Id. at 10).                                                       
                           At the outset, one of ordinary skill in the art would have understood                                    


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