Ex Parte No Data - Page 37

                   Appeal 2007-0694                                                                                                 
                   Reexamination Control 90/006,433                                                                                 
                   Patent 5,428,933                                                                                                 
                   withstand internal forces created by concrete poured into the cavity thereof.                                    
                   One of ordinary skill in the art desiring an insulating block that is capable of                                 
                   being stacked in a bidirectional manner without the need for mortar that is                                      
                   lightweight, but rigid, in structure, would have been guided to employ                                           
                   Horobin’s square projections and recesses with Guarriello’s alternating rows                                     
                   of projections and recesses.                                                                                     

                                          vii. Patentee Contends that Guarriello Does Not                                           
                                                  Disclose Joining Means that Comprises a “Web”                                     

                           Independent claims 11 and 19 require a joining means interconnecting                                     
                   the side members.  Claims 15 and 23 depend from claims 11 and 19,                                                
                   respectively, and require that the joining means be a web.  Claims 16 and 24                                     
                   also depends from claims 11 and 19, respectively, and requires that the                                          
                   joining means comprises at least one web interconnecting the side members                                        
                   and that the web comprise a synthetic material.                                                                  
                           Patentee states that its web is formed of a non-foamed material.                                         
                   Patentee directs the Board’s attention to column 3, lines 20 to 24 of their                                      
                   specification.  (Appeal Br. at 41).  This passage from the specification states                                  
                   that the web can be formed from any suitable material but preferably are                                         
                   from a synthetic polymeric material.  Patentee, citing column 3, lines 26-27,                                    
                   states that “[t]he specification further states that ‘such webs are formed of                                    
                   non-foamed material.”  (Id.).  From these passages, Patentee concludes that:                                     
                           Thus, the recitation of a web, in light of [our] specification, is                                       
                           limited to a non-foamed material and is structurally distinct                                            
                           from the separators shown in Guarriello ‘222.                                                            
                   (Appeal Br. at 42 and again relied upon at Appeal Br. 47).                                                       


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