Ex Parte Banerjee et al - Page 4

                Appeal 2007-0914                                                                                 
                Application 09/904,734                                                                           

                       Rather than repeat the positions of the Appellants and the Examiner,                      
                reference is made to the Brief and Reply Brief for the Appellants’ positions,                    
                and to the Answer for the Examiner’s positions.                                                  

                       We affirm.                                                                                

                       Of independent claims 1, 12, and 16 included within the first stated                      
                rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a), Appellants only present arguments to                         
                these independent claims collectively, and present no separate arguments to                      
                the remaining dependent claims encompassed by this rejection. Additionally,                      
                the Examiner rejected independent claims 12 and 16 “along the same                               
                rationale” as claim 1 (Answer, 6).  We will address independent claim 12                         
                separately and independent claims 1 and 16 collectively.                                         
                       Initially, we note that Appellant has presented no arguments directed                     
                to the combinability of Watanabe, Horn, or Kan with Veditz or each other.                        
                Accordingly, Appellants have waived any such arguments, and the                                  
                combinability of the references will not be addressed here.                                      

                in claims 2 and 17 being identical claims. The claim has been treated as                         
                though it depends from claim 16, since this appears to be a typographical                        
                2 The Brief incorrectly lists the grounds of rejection for claims 15 and 25 as                   
                Veditz in view of Kan (Br. 9), as was done at page 11 of the Final Rejection                     
                of 9/19/2005.  However, Appellants correctly noted that the rejection was                        
                intended to rely on Veditz, Watanabe and Kan (Br. 15), and the grounds of                        
                rejection was corrected by the Examiner in the Answer (Answer, 11).                              

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Last modified: September 9, 2013