Ex Parte Banerjee et al - Page 6

                Appeal 2007-0914                                                                                 
                Application 09/904,734                                                                           

                particularly in view of the recognition in paragraph 9 of the Specification                      
                that it is known to select a character set when the Content-Type header fails                    
                to specify a character set.  Therefore, we find the weight of the evidence                       
                shows that the subject matter of claim 12 was within the admitted prior art.                     
                       Regarding the rejection of independent claims 1 and 16 under                              
                35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Veditz and Watanabe, we                            
                note that claims 1 and 16 are Markush-type claims containing two                                 
                alternative series of steps, (a) and (b).  We further note that the series of                    
                steps in (a) substantially correspond to the steps performed by the computer                     
                program of claim 12. To the extent Appellants make reference to claims 1                         
                and 16 at page 14 of the principal Brief, the Examiner addresses the                             
                preamble limitations relating to client-server communications in the                             
                statement of the rejection on page 6 of the Answer, as well as on pages 14                       
                and 15 in the Examiner’s responsive arguments.  What Appellants do state at                      
                page 14 of the Brief about Watanabe is not disputed. However, Appellants                         
                fail to address what the Examiner says is pertinent to claims 1, 12, and 16 as                   
                it relates to all aspects of client-server communications.  The Reply Brief                      
                fails to challenge the Examiner’s findings with respect to Watanabe. A better                    
                context of the details of client-server communications is seen from our                          
                discussion of Appellants’ admissions regarding client-server                                     
                communications, as discussed supra.                                                              
                       Regarding admissions, our reviewing court has recently stated:                            
                             Accordingly, PharmaStem's argument that stem cells had                              
                       not been proved to exist in cord blood prior to the experiments                           
                       described in the patents is contrary to the representation in the                         
                       specification that the prior art disclosed stem cells in cord                             
                       blood.   Admissions in the specification regarding the prior art                          


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