Appeal 2007-1073 Application 10/308,176 We agree with Appellants that the specification describes that the unit dosage form of the invention may include a lipophilic agent in an amount from 50 to 85% (Specification 18: 63), and further describes that the lipophilic agent may be MIGLYOL 812 (Specification 11: 40). Furthermore, the Specification, paragraph 50 describes that the surfactant may be tocopherol PEG 1000 (TPGS) and that the surfactant may be present in the composition from 1-50% (Specification 19: 64; Br. 9-10). In Table 2 of the Specification on page 25, compositions L1 and L2 describe unit dosage forms containing MIGLYOL and (TPGS), albeit not in 50% amounts. In In re Wertheim, 541 F.2d 257, 256, 191 USPQ 90, 98 (CCPA 1976), a disclosure of 25-60% solids content taught those skilled in the art that 35- 60% solids was part of the invention in Wertheim, although the latter range was not expressly mentioned therein. In re Blaser, 556 F.2d 534, 538, 194 USPQ 122, 125 (CCPA 1977). See also, In re Schaumann, 572 F.2d 312, 316, 197 USPQ 5, 9 (CCPA 1978).1 We similarly find that the disclosure of a specific unit dosage form containing each of the MIGLYOL 812 and TPGS surfactant when read in view of the range of amounts for each ingredient, and literally reciting a 1 In Schaumann, claims to a specific compound were anticipated because the prior art taught a generic formula embracing a limited number of compounds closely related to each other in structure and the properties possessed by the compound class of the prior art was that disclosed for the claimed compound. In Schaumann, the facts substantiated that one of ordinary skill in the art would “at once envisage the subject matter within the reference.” Schaumann, 572 F.2d at 316, 197 USPQ at 9 (CCPA 1978). 4Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next
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