Appeal 2007-1118 Application 10/237,089 It is the Si that is active, SiO2 being inactive electrochemically (Specification 4:11-16). Umeno also describes an anode active material for a lithium secondary battery (Umeno, col. 1, ll. 11-12). Umeno’s anode is said to have a large capacity, high safety, and excellent charging and discharging cycle property (Umeno, col. 1, ll. 12-14). Umeno recognized a problem with the volume of the anode expanding several-fold as lithium alloyed with the active material (e.g., silicon) within the anode, the expansion resulting in powderizing which destroys the anode (Umeno, col. 2, ll. 12-39). Umeno solves the problem of electrode powderization and destruction by covering the lithium alloy-forming core particles with an expansion inhibiting layer of carbon (Umeno, col. 2, ll. 48-68). The coating further suppresses oxidation during charging and discharging of the battery (Umeno, col. 6, ll. 22-24) as well as improves the conductivity of the particulate core and allows the lithium to be supplied uniformly to the core from the whole outer surface of the carbon layer thus improving charging and discharging speeds (Umeno, col. 6, ll. 26-33). As the material for the core particles, Umeno suggests selecting “metal and semimetal … capable of forming a lithium alloy” and discloses a preference for titanium, iron, boron, and silicon with a particular preference for silicon (Umeno, col. 4, ll. 38-44). Umeno does not expressly state that SiOx can be used as a particulate core material, although Umeno notes that silicon oxide is present in silicon as an allowable impurity, it being inactive electrochemically (Umeno, col. 4, ll. 45-49). The Fukuoka I Declaration provides data for lithium ion secondary battery cells constructed and tested as in Appellants’ Example 2 of the 5Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013