Ex Parte Li et al - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-1348                                                                               
                Application 10/650,253                                                                         
           1          B.  Record on appeal                                                                     
           2          1.   Specification, including original claims and a preliminary                          
           3    amendment to the specification setting out the claimed priority.                               
           4          2.   Drawings                                                                            
           5          3.   Final Rejection entered 16 March 2006                                               
           6          4.   Brief on Appeal filed 03 August 2006                                                
           7          5.   Examiner’s Answer entered 31 August 2006                                            
           8          6.   Reply Brief filed 13 September 2006                                                 
           9          7.   Examiner’s notation of Reply Brief entered 03 October 2006                          
          10          8.   Supplemental Reply Brief filed 16 October 2006 (in which                            
          11    appellants explicitly withdraw reliance on a Rule 131 declaration of                           
          12    Dr. Richard Todd Darrington seeking to antedate Singer)                                        
          13          9.   Bright                                                                              
          14          10. Curatolo                                                                             
          15          11. Singer                                                                               
          16          12. Memorandum Opinion and Order (Decision on Motions) entered                           
          17    in Li v. Singer, Interference 105,366, Paper 71 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int. Nov. 8,                  
          18    2006)—a copy of the Memorandum Opinion and Order appears in the                                
          19    evidence appendix of the Appeal Brief.                                                         
          21          C.  Issues                                                                               
          22          There are three principal issues on appeal.                                              
          23          The first issue is whether appellants have sustained their burden of                     
          24    showing that the Examiner erred in rejecting the claims on appeal under                        
          25    35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, for lack of an enabling description.                         


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