Ex Parte Li et al - Page 11

                Appeal 2007-1348                                                                               
                Application 10/650,253                                                                         
           1    2. In the appeal brief an elaborate argument is made to the effect that the                    
           2    Examiner failed to follow PTO standards for claim construction.  Appeal                        
           3    Brief, pages 10-12.                                                                            
           4          In particular, it is said that the Examiner’s claim interpretation in this               
           5    case is inconsistent with claim interpretation by (1) the Examiner in other                    
           6    cases and (2) other examiners in other cases.                                                  
           7          The Examiner did not address appellants’ argument and we think                           
           8    correctly so.  The argument simply is irrelevant.                                              
           9          Our appellate reviewing court, as well as other earlier reviewing                        
          10    courts, has made it clear for a long time that the issue in a case is whether an               
          11    examiner and the board erred in the case under consideration.  In re Phillips,                 
          12    315 F.2d 943, 137 USPQ 369 (CCPA 1963) (issuance of patent to third                            
          13    party is irrelevant to patentability on direct appeal in other case even if                    
          14    references are the same); In re Riddle, 438 F.2d 618, 169 USPQ 45 (CCPA                        
          15    1971) (an examiner's allowance of claim in patent does not bar rejection of                    
          16    claim in application to substantially same invention on substantially same art                 
          17    considered in patent prosecution).  See also Fessenden v. Coe, 99 F.2d 426,                    
          18    38 USPQ 516 (D.C. Cir. 1938).                                                                  
          19          We have given no consideration to appellants’ argument concerning                        
          20    alleged different interpretation by the Examiner or other examiners in other                   
          21    cases.                                                                                         


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