Ex Parte Li et al - Page 10

                Appeal 2007-1348                                                                               
                Application 10/650,253                                                                         
           1                            Obviousness based on Singer                                            
           2          Singer, like Bright, does not describe or render obvious substantially                   
           3    pure azithromycin Form F.                                                                      
           4          Appellants and the Examiner agree that Curatolo likewise does not                        
           5    describe substantially pure azithromycin Form F.                                               
           6          Based on Li v. Singer, what surfaces in this case is that an essential                   
           7    element of appellants’ mixture does not appear in the prior art relied upon by                 
           8    the Examiner.                                                                                  
           9          Accordingly, the scope and content of the prior art is such that the                     
          10    prior art, as a whole, cannot render obvious the subject matter of claim 125.                  
          12                               Additional observations                                             
          13    1. In fairness to the Examiner, we wish to point out that the Examiner’s                       
          14    Answer was entered on 31 August 2006, but our decision in Li v. Singer was                     
          15    not entered until 08 November 2006.                                                            
          16          When the Examiner’s Answer was written in August, the Examiner                           
          17    could not have known what we might hold in November in an inter partes                         
          18    case involving Li (one appellant here) and Singer (the reference relied upon                   
          19    by the Examiner here).                                                                         
          20          In Li v. Singer, Li was able to sustain its burden of showing that                       
          21    Singer did not anticipate or render obvious subject matter which is                            
          22    somewhat broader than the subject matter of claim 125.                                         
          23          Had the Examiner been aware of Li v. Singer, we are confident the                        
          24    rejection based on obviousness would not have been maintained.                                 


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