Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 81

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                not explain how this advances the rejection.  Therefore, these reasons are not                    
                persuasive and are not relied upon.                                                               

                              5.  "Multithreading" in '604 patent is not examined                                 
                              for compliance with § 112 requirements                                              
                       Since we find that there is no written description support for                             
                preemptive "multithreading" in the 1982, 1985, or 1990 applications, and                          
                since the "Detailed Description" is the same in these applications and the                        
                '604 patent, a logical question is whether there is a problem with claiming                       
                "multithreading" in the '604 patent.  Although the original 1994 application,                     
                which became the '604 patent, describes and claims "multithreading," it can                       
                be argued that  the disclosed embodiment does not demonstrate possession                          
                of multithreading as that term is defined in the art for the reasons discussed                    
                supra.  See In re Reiffin, 199 Fed. Appx. 965 (Federal Circuit affirmed the                       
                Board's finding that there was no written description support for                                 
                "multithreading" in a 1991 continuation-in-part application of the 1990                           
                application even though the term appeared in the application as filed).  It is                    
                possible that other rejections may be appropriate, such as lack of enablement                     
                under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, for making a "multithreaded" system                       
                as that term is understood in the art, and/or a rejection under § 112, second                     
                paragraph, because "multithreading" is misdescriptive of the disclosed                            
                embodiment.  However, these issues are not raised under USPTO guidelines.                         
                It is proper to note the existence of the issues.  See 37 C.F.R. § 1.552(c).                      
                       Proposed amended and new claims in a reexamination proceeding are                          
                examined on the basis of the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 112.  See                                
                37 C.F.R. § 1.552(a).   Original patent claims are not examined under § 112.                      


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