Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 87

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                in the art, Patent Owner admitted that he did not intend to be his own                            
                lexicographer by giving the terms a different meaning than was known in the                       
                art.  Fourth, the issue for priority is whether the 1982 application provides                     
                written description support for "multithreading" as defined in the '604 patent,                   
                not as defined by amendments to the 1990 application.                                             

                                    c. USPTO actions are not collateral estoppel                                  
                       Patent Owner argues that the USPTO is barred by collateral estoppel                        
                from finding that the 1994 application is not entitled to the priority date of                    
                the 1982 application because "numerous previous decisions and actions                             
                taken by the Patent Office during the prosecution that led to the issuance of                     
                the '603 and '604 patents establish that the claims on reexamination are                          
                entitled to the 1982 priority date" (Br. 26).  In particular, it is argued:                       
                       (1)   An examiner allowed Patent Owner to amend the status of the                          
                1990 application from a "continuation-in-part" to a "continuation" of the                         
                1982 application, and the '604 patent issued as a continuation of both the                        
                1990 and 1982 application.  "[A] continuation application does not contain                        
                new matter, and all claims issuing from it are entitled to the filing date of the                 
                parent."  (Br. 27.)                                                                               
                       (2)   The USPTO allowed the claims of the '603 and '604 patents,                           
                which recite "multithreading" or "multithreaded" in 72 out of 77 claims                           
                (Br. 28).  "During prosecution [of the 1990 and 1994 applications], Patent                        
                Owner specifically submitted numerous post-1982 references describing                             
                multithreading (they were submitted, inter alia, as evidence of the meaning                       
                of 'multithreading' and other terms), and none of these references were cited                     


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