Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 92

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                Second, "[a]ssertions of technical facts in areas of esoteric technology must                     
                always be supported by citation to some reference work recognized as                              
                standard in the pertinent art . . . ."  In re Ahlert, 424 F.2d 1088, 1091,                        
                165 USPQ 418, 420 (CCPA 1970); accord In re Pardo, 684 F.2d 912, 917,                             
                214 USPQ 673, 677 (CCPA 1982).  The references cited, Exhibits 5 and 56,                          
                mention "stacks," and saving data in a stack during a subroutine call, but not                    
                that such stack is provided when the program is compiled.  Exhibit 57 seems                       
                to just mention stacks.  Third, we do not think stacks are provided for when                      
                the program "is compiled."  The operating system puts information on a                            
                stack when a subroutine call "is executed."                                                       

                                    e. Arguments about 1991 application not considered                            
                       Patent Owner's arguments about the Board's decision in the 1991                            
                application, Application 711,957, the Director's Brief on Appeal in the 1991                      
                application, and Microsoft's amicus brief to the Federal Circuit in the 1991                      
                application (Reply Br. 1, 4-7, 10, 13-15, and 17-21; Supp. Reply Br. 1-8) are                     
                not considered, except for three points, since there are already more than                        
                enough arguments to address in this case.  First, the Board found no written                      
                description support for "multithreading" in the 1991 application or in any of                     
                the ancestor applications.  This decision was affirmed on appeal in In re                         
                Reiffin.  Second, the fact that the Board noted that the interrupt embodiment                     
                described in the "Detailed Description" is entitled to the benefit of the 1982                    
                filing date does not imply that "multithreading" is supported by the                              
                "Detailed Description," as evidenced by the written description rejection in                      
                that case.  Third, the reason the Board did not have to enter a new ground of                     
                rejection over the OS/2 references because it was not necessary to do so in                       


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