Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 97

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                14. If no new character is found at the keyboard input, the routine restores                      
                the registers and returns to executing the main program ("Restore the                             
                Registers" and "RTI" blocks, Figure 10-2).                                                        
                15. If a new character is found at the keyboard input, alphanumeric                               
                characters are put into the buffer ("Place in Ring Buffer," Figure 10-2) and                      
                control characters are handled by a special routine for that character                            
                ("Control Character Routines," Figure 10-2).                                                      
                16. One of the control codes in the interrupt service routine is the delete                       
                key to delete the last character in the buffer (page 276, program lines 39-47).                   
                17. After the interrupt routine enters the character in the buffer or handles                     
                a control character, the CPU returns to executing the Morse code program                          
                where it was interrupted ("RTI" block, Figure 10-2).                                              
                18. The Morse code routine continues execution on code in the buffer                              
                until the next interruption.                                                                      
                19. The main Morse code program and the interrupt service routine in                              
                De Jong are separate programs at different locations in memory, as                                
                illustrated by the diagram of an interrupt request (Chart 7-2, page 174).                         

                       If the '604 patent discloses "multithreading," then De Jong also                           
                discloses "multithreading" because it operates in the identical manner.                           
                However, based on our claim interpretation, we will reverse the rejection                         
                because De Jong does not disclose "multithreading" for the same reasons the                       
                1982 application and '603 patent do not disclose "multithreading."                                
                       De Jong teaches a keyboard- and timer-activated interrupt system that                      
                operates identically to the keyboard- and timer-activated interrupt system in                     


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