Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 88

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                as prior art" (Br. 27), indicating that the Examiner considered the                               
                applications entitled to the 1982 priority date.                                                  
                       (3)   "[O]n a number of separate occasions, the Patent Office                              
                specifically and deliberately stated that the patent claims were entitled to the                  
                filing date of the original 1982 application."  (Br. 28.)  Patent Owner points                    
                to several Examiner's Answers (Exhibits 44-47) which cite an effective                            
                filing date of 1982 for the 1990 and 1994 applications (Exhibit 48 indicates                      
                that "1992" in the Examiner's Answers of Exhibits 46 and 47 should be                             
                "1982") (Br. 28).  It is noted that the Examiner stated in the Examiner's                         
                Answer of Exhibit 46, that "the time of the [Patent Owner's] invention" was                       
                "1982," and stated in the Supplemental Examiner's Answer of Exhibit 47                            
                that OS/2 publications would not be considered because they were                                  
                "published after the effective filing date of the application" (pages 4-5) and                    
                were "developed after Applicant's effective filing date" (page 7) (Br. 28).                       
                       (4)   "[B]oth issued '603 and '604 patents specifically recite that the                    
                applications are 'entitled to an effective filing date of September 28, 1982'"                    
                (Br. 28) and "[t]he Patent Office would not have done this unless it was                          
                satisfied that the '603 and '604 claims were supported by the original 1982                       
                specification" (Br. 29).                                                                          
                       (5)   A Board decision on appeal in the 1990 application entered a new                     
                ground of rejection of claim 59 under § 112, first paragraph, for lack of                         
                written description of "asynchronously" interrupting execution of the threads                     
                (Exhibit 51), but did not reject any other claims (Br. 29).  It is noted that the                 
                Board characterized (Exhibit 51, page 2) the disclosed invention in                               
                essentially the words of claim 62, which recited a "multithreading                                
                software-programmable general-purpose computer system for concurrent                              


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