Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 82

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                Limitations in amended and new claims are not examined if they would raise                        
                § 112 issues with the original patent claims.  See MPEP § 2258:                                   

                                   II. COMPLIANCE WITH 35 U.S.C. 112                                              
                              Where new claims are presented or where any part of the                             
                       disclosure is amended, the claims of the reexamination proceeding,                         
                       are to be examined for compliance with  35 U.S.C. 112.                                     
                       Consideration of 35 U.S.C. 112 issues should, however, be limited to                       
                       the amendatory (e.g., new language) matter. For example, a claim                           
                       which is amended or a new claim which is presented containing a                            
                       limitation not found in the original patent claim should be                                
                       considered for compliance under 35  U.S.C. 112 only with respect to                        
                       that limitation. To go further would be inconsistent with the statute                      
                       to the extent that 35 U.S.C. 112 issues would be raised as to matter                       
                       in the original patent claim. Thus, a term in a patent claim which the                     
                       examiner might deem to be too broad cannot be considered as too                            
                       broad in a new or amended claim unless the amendatory matter in the                        
                       new or amended claim creates the issue.  [Emphasis in bold added.]                         
                       Because the issued '604 patent claims all contain the term                                 
                "multithreading," no § 112 rejections are raised as to the new and amended                        
                claims which contain multithreading.                                                              

                              6. Patent Owner's arguments are not persuasive                                      
                       Patent Owner's arguments have been considered, but are not                                 
                persuasive on the issue of priority.                                                              
                                    a. Common "Detailed Description" does not prove                               
                                    there is written description support                                          
                       Patent Owner argues (Br. 20-21): "Both the 1982 application and the                        
                1990 application contain virtually the same 'Detailed Description' of the                         
                illustrative embodiment as that of the '604 patent.  This Detailed Description                    
                fully supports all of the '604 reexamination multithreading claims."                              


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