Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 127

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                discloses inserting a pause mark at the end of a source code buffer line or                       
                removing an old pause mark by substituting a blank for the pause mark, and                        
                not inserting between characters (Final Rejection 45 ¶ II.3(S)).                                  
                       As to group 36 (claim 81) and group 37 (claim 83), the Examiner                            
                finds that the limitations of an "editor comprising a character insertion                         
                routine and also a control code editing routine, said character insertion                         
                routine including instructions executable before the next interrupt operation                     
                to enable the routine to relinquish control of the central processor upon                         
                completion of its task of inserting a character" (claim 81) and an "editing                       
                routine for performing conventional editing operations, said conventional                         
                editing operations including conventional operations for moving the cursor                        
                so as to enable the operator to select any location in the buffer where the                       
                next character will be inserted by the character insertion routine" (claim 83)                    
                lack written description support because the '604 patent does not disclose a                      
                full screen editor which allows insertion of characters (Final Rejection 47-48                    
                ¶ II.3(Y)).  The Examiner also finds that "there is no teaching as to                             
                relinquishing control of the central processor upon completion of its task of                     
                inserting a character" (Final Rejection 48).                                                      
                       Patent Owner argues that the original 1994 application discloses that                      
                the editor of the illustrative embodiment is a "screen editor."  It is argued                     
                that it would be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that each                           
                alphanumeric character entered at the keyboard is entered into a different                        
                location in a source code buffer (unless one intentionally overwrites a                           
                character), which corresponds to a location on the screen, and that the user                      
                can select at which memory location to insert or delete a character (Br. 85).                     


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