Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 147

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                       As to group 33 (claim 78), the Examiner finds that the limitation "to                      
                form input data code into groups" lacks written description because he finds                      
                no teaching of this limitation (Final Rejection 46 ¶ II.3(V)).                                    
                       As to group 34 (claim 79), the Examiner finds that the limitation "to                      
                form input data code into words" lacks written description because he finds                       
                no description of forming code into "words" (Final Rejection 46-47                                
                ¶ II.3(W)).  It is stated that computer programming variables and statements                      
                are not words and sentences and operation on a natural language requires                          
                different lexical and semantic analyses (Final Rejection 46-47).                                  
                       Patent Owner notes (Br. 109) that the '604 patent specification                            
                explains that "the lexical analyzer of the compiler then determines if the                        
                source character read in constitutes the last character of a symbol, such as an                   
                identifier, operator or punctuation mark" (col. 5, lines 46-49).  Patent Owner                    
                argues that "symbols" and "identifiers" in the context of a source code                           
                compiler include many normal English language words (Br. 109) and "[t]he                          
                fact that some 'symbols' in the context of source code compilation are not                        
                English language words does not negate that fact that many source code                            
                'symbols' are in fact normal English language words" (Br. 110).  Patent                           
                Owner concludes that "claims directed to parsing English language words                           
                are fully supported by the disclosure of the '604 patent" (Br. 110).                              
                       Programming language symbols are known to consist of keywords                              
                (words reserved for the language, such as "BEGIN," "END",  "IF, "THEN,"                           
                etc.), identifiers (variable names, such as "X" or "Y"), operator symbols (for                    
                mathematical and logical operations, such as "+," "-," "=," ">," etc.), and                       
                punctuation marks (for delimiting expressions and comment statements,                             
                such as "(," ")," "{," "}, "//," etc.).  See Aho & Ullman, Principles of                          


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