Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 141

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                computer program statements to 'sentences,' and this is in accord with the                        
                common understanding of persons skilled in the art as of 1982" (Br. 99-100).                      
                       "Incorporation by reference provides a method for integrating material                     
                from various documents into a host document . . . by citing such material in                      
                a manner that makes clear that the material is effectively part of the host                       
                document as if it were explicitly contained therein."  Advanced Display Sys.,                     
                Inc. v. Kent State Univ., 212 F.3d 1272, 1282, 54 USPQ2d 1673, 1679 (Fed.                         
                Cir. 2000) (citations omitted).  "To incorporate material by reference, the                       
                host document must identify with detailed particularity what specific                             
                material it incorporates and clearly indicate where that material is found in                     
                the various documents."  Id. (citations omitted).  The '604 patent does not                       
                state that the Wirth book is incorporated by reference, so it is not.  Nor does                   
                the '604 patent indicate that the Wirth book is relevant for anything other                       
                than the PL/O compiler, which Patent Owner modified (col. 5, line 67 to                           
                col. 6, line 3), so other descriptions in Wirth simply do not provide any                         
                support for the subject matter Patent Owner is now claiming.  Also, Patent                        
                Owner again errs in stating that the compiler checks the spelling of the                          
                symbols during the lexical analysis; lexical analysis merely splits a string of                   
                characters into tokens for analysis by the compiler.                                              
                       Patent Owner argues that the USPTO allowed amendments during the                           
                prosecution of the '603 patent to recite "text processor" instead of "compiler"                   
                and "text" code instead of "source" code, and that issued '603 patent                             
                claim 32 is directed to a "word processing program" with a thread to "check                       
                the spelling of . . . stored words" and a thread "responsive to [the] keyboard                    
                to enter words into said memory" (Br. 98).  It is argued that the Examiner                        
                erred in rejection claims directed to spelling or grammar checking because                        


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