Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 148

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                Compiler Design (1977), page 6 (Br. 93).  Lexical analyzers for compliers                         
                necessarily determine when the last character of a keyword, identifier,                           
                operator, or punctuation mark has been inputted as part of the process of                         
                separating the symbols into "tokens."  Id.  The "tokens" can be considered to                     
                be "groups," so there is inherent written description support for claim 78.                       
                Since a computer program symbol can be a "word" (i.e., a "keyword"), there                        
                is written description support for claims 66, 76, and 79 because these claims                     
                do not require that the input code only consists of words.  This reason for the                   
                rejection of claims 66, 76, 78, and 79 is reversed.                                               
                       Although a computer program token can be a "word" or an                                    
                "identifier," not every token is "word" or an "identifier" because there must                     
                be identifiers, operators, and punctuation marks.  Therefore, we find no                          
                written description support for the limitation of "grouping the characters into                   
                sequences each constituting an identifier" (claim 63) and a "lexical analyzer                     
                to form the characters into sequences each constituting a word" (claim 65).                       
                Because Patent Owner does not define "identifier," he may be equating the                         
                term with a "word," although in the computer art, it has a special meaning as                     
                variable name. These claims are trying to indirectly claim that the data are                      
                words of a language.  The rejection of claims 63 and 65 is affirmed.                              
                       We do not find where Patent Owner addresses the limitation of a                            
                "syntactic analyzer thread to determine whether said identifiers are                              
                interrelated in accordance with predetermined rules of grammar" (claim 64).                       
                While programming language syntactic analyzers apply predetermined rules                          
                of grammar, it is not known whether they determine whether the identifiers                        
                are related or if Patent Owner is trying to indirectly claim syntactic analysis                   


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