Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 144

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                              7. Group 21                                                                         
                       As to group 21 (claim 56), the Examiner finds that the limitations of                      
                "a keyboard for entering code in the form of sentences of a language in                           
                response to keystrokes" and "parsing said words during time intervals                             
                between the keystrokes" lack written description support because the editor                       
                is not interruptible and the compiler does not execute when the editor is                         
                running, so the compiler cannot parse words during the time intervals                             
                between the keystrokes  (Final Rejection 36-37 ¶ II.3(K)).                                        
                       Patent Owner argues that the question of whether or not the editor is                      
                interruptible is irrelevant to whether the compiler can parse words during the                    
                time interval between keystrokes (Br. 104).  It is noted that in the                              
                clock-activated embodiment, a clock generates an interrupt, invoking the                          
                interrupt service routine, the input port is polled to test if a key has been                     
                struck, and if so the editor is invoked (Br. 105).  It is argued that if the                      
                keystroke is an ordinary alphanumeric character, it is "entered into the                          
                source code buffer and displayed on the video screen, and the screen cursor                       
                is advanced to the next character position" ('604 patent, col. 5, lines 20-22)                    
                and the editor terminates and returns control to the interrupted compiler                         
                operation (Br. 105-06).                                                                           
                       The limitations about "sentences of a language" and "words" were                           
                addressed supra.  As noted in the discussion of group 4, the keyboard in the                      
                '604 patent can enter alphanumeric and control data in any "form," including                      
                in the form of words and sentences.                                                               
                       We agree with Patent Owner that "parsing said words during time                            
                intervals between the keystrokes" is supported by the '604 patent (with the                       
                exception of the term "words").  The '604 patent discloses that control is                        


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