Ex Parte 5694604 et al - Page 139

                Appeal 2007-2127                                                                                  
                Reexamination Control No. 90/006,621                                                              
                word processor with spelling and grammar checking.  Also, Patent Owner                            
                appears to be mistaken in stating that a compiler performs spelling checking.                     
                Nothing in the description of the lexical analyzer in Aho & Ullman mentions                       
                spelling checking.  The analyzer merely breaks a string of characters into                        
                groups, called tokens, which may be keywords, identifiers (variable names),                       
                symbols, and punctuation marks, and passes the string of tokens to the                            
                syntax analyzer—it does not check to see whether the keywords, for                                
                example, are spelled correctly.  While, perhaps, the compiler might generate                      
                an error if a token is misspelled, it would be because the token is not                           
                recognized, not because its spelling has been looked up in a dictionary.  One                     
                of the references cited in Mr. Reiffin's declaration states that collecting                       
                sequences of characters into meaningful units "can be thought to perform a                        
                function similar to spelling" (¶ 9) but this is not the same as spelling.                         
                       Patent Owner argues that limitations to "words" and "sentences" are                        
                not new matter because "[h]high-level program source code comprises many                          
                ordinary English (or other natural language) words, using the same ASCII                          
                code used to represent natural language text in a computer" (Br. 95-96), such                     
                as "BEGIN," "END," "THEN," "WHILE," "DO," etc. (Br. 96; Br. 97)).                                 
                Patent Owner argues that the Examiner erred in rejecting claims that contain                      
                limitations to "language code" and "natural language" because "the language                       
                used in source code of the illustrative embodiment is made up of 'words' —                        
                indeed, English language words — and so the phrase 'words of a language' is                       
                fully supported by the specification even under the Examiner's crabbed                            
                interpretation" (Br. 98) and "persons of ordinary skill would have                                
                understood that the disclosed invention was applicable to both natural and                        
                computer programming languages" (Br. 98).                                                         


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