Ex Parte Skoufis - Page 23

                                       254       Integrated circuits                                                                                                              

                                                 the bilateral Laplace transform of the kernel. It has         Since the mid-1960s, integrated circuits have.L'                   
                                                 been shown that the result is correct if, for example,      come the primary components Of most electron~,ic y                   
                                                 E(s) is the infinite product in Eq. (10), where c Ž_ 0      tems. Their low cost, high reliability, and spd ba                   
                                                                                   H 1 - es/ak     (1(J)     been essential in furthering the wide use ofdigt                     
                                                                   ebC, 2bs -        1     s)(0                   computers. Microcomputers have spread te j                           
                                                                                1 fi (computer                                                                                    
                                                                                                                        technology to instrumns buinessIn'                        
                                                                and te seiesrea consantschines,o                                   automobiles, and other equipm~                              
                                                                and he eris orel cnstntscommon                                   uses of large-scale integrated circuitsre                   
                                                                                                             pocket calculators and electronic watches. For allj-i                
                                                                                                             signal processing, integrated subsystems such as FM'-                
                                                                                      ak                     stereo demodulators and switched-capacitor filters a                 
                                                                                                             made. SEE CALCULATORS. DIGITAL COMPUTER; &ELcI,,k.                   
                                                 converges.                                                  ICS; MICROCOMPUTER.                                                  
                                                   For example, if K(x) = e-x, then Eq. (4) is the             Integrated circuits consist of the combination of~                 
                                                 Laplace transform. Expressed as a convolution trans-        tive electronic devices such as transistors and diode;.              
                                                 form as in Eq. (3), it becomes Eq. (11), where G is         with passive components such as resistors and capac. 1               
                                                                                                             itors, within and upon a single semiconductor crystW                 
                                                                      ?F~e) =G~x-     y)(e"     ~       11)      The construction of these elements within the senmi                  
                                                                         (,e)G~x     y),~e-' dy         11)     conductor is achieved through the introduction of                    
                                                                                                             electrically active impurities into well-definergir                  
                                                 given in the above list as entry K. The bilateral La-       of the semiconductor. The fabrication of integrae                    
                                                 place transform of this kernel is the familiar gamma        circuits thus involves such processes as vapor-phiu'                 
                                                 function, Eq. (12), whose reciprocal has a well-            deposition of semiconductors and insulators, oxida                   
                                                                                                             tion, solid-state diffusion, ion implantation, vacnuuml              
                                                                              e"G~)    e''    dt    (12)     deposition, and sputtering.                                          
                                                                  F(I S)-"G~) dt         e-t- dt       12)        Generally, integrated circuits are not straightfor.               
                                                                                                             ward replacements of electronic circuits assembled                   
                                                 known expansion in the form of Eq. (10). In Eq. (13)        from discrete components. They represent an exte D:                  
                                                                                                             sion of the technology by which silicon planar ti~.,                 
                                                                1~)eW                       s'       13      sistors are made. Because of this, transistors or mod,               
                                                          E~s =          ~    fi       --    esk)   (3       ifications of transistor structures are the prima7ý::                
                                                                                                             devices of integrated circuits. Methods of fabrnicating              
                                                 -y is Euler's constant. In the present example Eq. (9)      good-quality resistors and capacitors have been de'                  
                                                 becomes Eq. (14), or if e-' = t, Eq. (15) may be            vised, but the third major type of passive component,,               
                                                                                                             inductors, must be simulated with complex circuitry,                 
                                                                                                              oradded to the integrated circuit as discrete conpi.ý               
                                                     e-D                  eD'keF(e)       (D(e-)    (14)     nents. SEE TRANSISTOR.                                               
                                                                 k=)                                            Simple logic circuits were the easiest to adapt to,               
                                                                          /\       k+                        these design changes. The first of these, such as in-                
                                                                  Wi                       I()      (5       verters and gates, were produced in the early 1960s'                 
                                                          k--~   k!         t   Iprimarily                              for miniaturization of missile guidance                   
                                                                                                             computers and other aerospace systems. Analog cii                    
                                                 written. This familiar inversion formula also serves to     cuits, called linear integrated circuits, did not become             
                                                 illustrate the operator 0, appearing in Eq. (2). In the     commercially practical until several years later beý"                
                                                 present case the operator is a differential one, and the    cause of their heavy dependence on passive comppo-,                  
                                                 parameter t is an integer k which tends to -. SEE CON-      nents such as resistors and capacitors. The first good.              
                                                 FORMAL MAPPING; INTEGRATION,                                quality operational amplifiers for analog computetiS                 
                                                                                          David V. Widder    and instruments were produced in 1966. SEE AMPLI                     
                                                   Bibliography. M. 1. Akhiezer, Lectures on Integral        FIER; ANALOG COMPUTER; LOGIC CIRCUITS.                               
                                                 Transforms, 1988; L. C. Andrews and B. K. Shiva-                                                                                 
                                                 moggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers and Ap-                               TYPES OF CIRCUITS                                 
                                                 plied Mathematicians, 1987; 0. I. Marchev, Hand-               Integrated circuits can be classified into two group.             
                                                 book of Integral Transforms of Higher Transcendental        on the basis of the type of transistors which they enm               
                                                 Functions, 1983; K. B. Wolf, Integral Transformns in        ploy: bipolar integrated circuits, in which the prifld-              
                                                 Science and Engineering, 1979.                              pal element is the bipolar junction transistor, and                  
                                                                                                             metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) integrated circati                   
                                                                                                             in which the principal element is the MOS tranlsistor                
                                                                IntgraedircitsBoth                                        depend upon the construction of a desired pait                 
                                                                Interate      ciruitstern                         of electrically active impurities withinth semi:l               
                                                 Miniature electronic circuits produced within and           conductor body, and upon the formation of an                         
                                                 upon a single semiconductor crystal, usually silicon,       connection pattern of metal films on the surface of d0               
                                                 Integrated circuits range in complexity from simple         semiconductor.                                   ge,                 
                                                 logic circunits and amplifiers, about 1/2o in. (1.3 mm)        Bipolar circuits are generally used where hge                     
                                                 square, to large-scale integrated circuits up to about      logic speed is desired, and MOS for largest-scale R                  
                                                 1/2 in. (12 mm) square. They can contain millions of        tegration or lowest power dissipation. Linear c~CO        '          
                                                 transistors and other components that provide com-          are mostly bipolar, but MOS devices are used exttýý                  
                                                 puter memory circuits and complex logic subsystems          sively in switched-capacitor filters. Hfigh-perc1i                   
                                                 such as microcomputer central processor units. SEE          bipolar transistors and complementary MOS (CM05)                     
                                                 SEMICONDUCTOR; SILICON.                                     transistors have been combined on the salme ~                        

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Last modified: September 9, 2013