Ex Parte Skoufis - Page 24

                                                260       Integrated circuits                                                                                                                    
                                                            Although these LSI circuits are being used in cal-        extensive operator training, in-process tests                              
                                                          culators, automobiles, instruments, appliance controls      spection with continual feedback, and a htigh asd,                         
                                                          and many other applications, realization of their po-       of equipment calibration and control. Th h r                               
                                                          tential is just beginning. As the power of the corn-        environment and operator attitude in an nte e py 1                         
                                                          puter is captured in the relatively inexpensive inte-       cuit fabrication facility are important f  gactors~                        
                                                          grated circuit, the role of integrated circuits will        cessf ul operation.fatr                       o>                           
                                                          continue to expand rapidly.                                   Processes. The basic relationship between thil' ',                       
                                                                     Ron Btirghard; Youssef EJ-Mansy; Neil Berglund  jor processes in integrated-circuit fabricat~tnis                           
                                                                                                                      schematically in Fig. 13. Film formation     1                             
                                                                                FABRicATioti                          followed by impurity doping or lithography. ri4§                           
                                                            Integrated-circuit fabrication begins with a thin,        raphy is generally followed by etching, which -    *                       
                                                          polished slice of high-purity, single-crystal semnicon-     is followed by impurity doping or film formation .,                        
                                                          ductor (usually silicon) and employs a combination of       purity doping is normally followed by flilm fo ',"                         
                                                          physical and chemical processes to create the inte-         or lithography. A complete integrated-circuitpm                            
                                                          grated-circuit structures described above. Junctions        sequence requires many cycles through the flp'ow e'z                       
                                                          are formed in the silicon slice by the processes of         gram in Fig. 13. For example, metal gate CMOs ,7-                          
                                                          thernal diffusion or high-energy ion implantation.          quires seven cycles through lithography. The,,,".~                         
                                                          Electrical isolation between devices on the integrated      plete flow time for a CMOS process is a~pprO~,                             
                                                          circuit is achieved with insulating layers grown by         2 to 6 weeks, depending on proces            Unmlxit                       
                                                          thermal 'oxidation or deposited by chemical deposi-           Film formation. Film formation employs therniaj01..                      
                                                          tion *. Conductor layers to provide the necessary elec-     idation to produce silicon dioxide (SiO,) films C'ea,    ."                
                                                          trical connections on the integrated circuit are ob-        ical vapor deposition to produce silicon, silicon de                       
                                                          talned by a variety of deposition techniques. Precision     ide, or silicon nitride (Si3N4) films, fir Vaiu                            
                                                          lithographic' processes are used throughout the fabri-      evaporation/sputtering to produce metal films.                             
                                                          cation sequence to define the geometric features re-          The atoms on the surface of a silicon single szj                         
                                                          quired.                                                     from which integrated circuits are manufanctiýýJd .ý                       
                                                            Requirements. The integrated-circuit fabrication          chemically bound only in the direction of the bulko                        
                                                          process is quite sensitive to both particulate and im-      the crystal, and not in the other or free directio6~f.T',                  
                                                          purity contamination. Airborne particulates must be         resultant so-called silicon dangling bonds are very re,                    
                                                          minimized during the fabrication sequence, since            active and may bond to oxygen or nitrogen or oti                           
                                                          even small (1 -micrometer) particles on the wafer sur-      impurities from the atmosphere, so that a large viainquy'                  
                                                          face can cause defects. A particulate-free fabrication      of reactions can occur. Each of these reactions il~                        
                                                          ambient is normally achieved by the use of vertical         result in different electrical properties for the'silitos                  
                                                          laminar-flow clean rooms or benches (Fig. 12). Lint-        surface, a serious problem in designing a manufati..                       
                                                          free garments are worn to minimize operator-borne           ing process in which extremely large nurnbers'iV'                          
                                                          particulates. To minimize impurity contamination ef-        identically operating and reliable devices are-pm.                         
                                                          fects, the chemicals, solvents, and metals which are        duced on silicon chips. The solution to this dilni~                        
                                                          used must be of the highest possible purity (electronic     is to tie up the dangling bonds with a chemnicallý,st                      
                                                          grade). Yellow light is necessary in the clean room         ble and electrically insulating film that will not iater-                  
                                                          because of the ultraviolet-sensitive photolithographic      fere with the electrical characteristics of the sili~oi                    
                                                          processes employed,                                         surface. A material with these properties that can t'                      
                                                            The precision and cleanliness requirements of inte-       easily prepared in thin-film form on silicon is si66n                      
                                                          grated-circuit processing necessitate high discipline       dioxide.                                                                   
                                                          throughout the process sequence. This is achieved by          The silicon dioxide film is made by the reacfiodil                       

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Last modified: September 9, 2013