General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 138 Alcoholic Liquors
- Massachusetts General Laws - Definitions - Chapter 138, Section 1
The following words as used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings:-- "Alcohol'', all alcohol other than denatured alcohol...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 2
No person shall manufacture, with intent to sell, sell or expose or keep for sale, store, transport, import or export alcoholic beverages or alcohol, except...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Manufacture and storage of alcoholic beverages for private use - Chapter 138, Section 3
This chapter shall not apply to the manufacture or storage of alcoholic beverages by a person for his own private use or to sales of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licensing boards; appointments; membership - Chapter 138, Section 4
In each city which is not exempt by the provisions of section ten there shall be a licensing board appointed by the mayor, subject to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Terms of office of licensing board; removal; review; notice; fee - Chapter 138, Section 5
The terms of office of the members first appointed shall commence at the date of their appointment, and shall be so arranged as to expire...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Chairman; quorum; vacancies - Chapter 138, Section 6
The mayor shall designate one member as chairman, who shall also act as secretary. Two members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business....
- Massachusetts General Laws - Offices of board; salaries; expenses - Chapter 138, Section 7
Each city which has such a board shall provide it with suitable rooms, properly furnished, heated and lighted, shall pay such salaries as the city...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Limitation of Sec. 7 - Chapter 138, Section 8
If, at any biennial state election, a city in which such board has been appointed shall not vote to authorize the granting of licenses for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Records; quarterly reports; sworn statements - Chapter 138, Section 9
Each board shall keep a record of its doings and hearings and shall make a quarterly report of its doings to the mayor. It may...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Cities exempt from operation of six preceding sections; residency requirement of board or commission members - Chapter 138, Section 10
The following cities shall be exempt from the operation of the six preceding sections: First, cities having a licensing board or commission created by special...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Annual report of local licensing authorities to commission - Chapter 138, Section 10A
The local licensing authorities shall file with the commission, on or before February fifteenth next following a license year in which the granting of licenses...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Authority to declare office of member of board vacant - Chapter 138, Section 10B
The commission shall have authority to declare the office of any member of a licensing board vacant regardless of how he was appointed, if he...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Questions to be placed on ballot at biennial state election - Chapter 138, Section 11
Except as hereinafter provided, the state secretary shall cause to be placed on the official ballot used in the cities and towns at each biennial...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Submission of question at special and regular municipal elections; petition; taverns - Chapter 138, Section 11A
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the city council of any city and the selectmen of any town shall, upon the filing with the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licenses authorizing sale of beverages to be drunk on premises; license to farmer-winery to serve wine on premises of winery located on the premises of farm; veterans' organizations, corporations, etc.; suspension or revocation; hours of sale; liqueurs and cordials; liquor legal liability insurance requirement - Chapter 138, Section 12
A common victualler duly licensed under chapter one hundred and forty to conduct a restaurant, an innholder duly licensed under said chapter to conduct a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Renewal of licenses to conduct restaurant; investigations - Chapter 138, Section 12A
No license issued under section twelve to conduct a restaurant shall be renewed unless and until the holder thereof shall satisfy the licensing authority that...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Operation of premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages; nudity - Chapter 138, Section 12B
In any city or town which accepts the provisions of this section, no licensee, licensed under the provisions of section twelve, shall suffer or permit...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Annual caterer’s license for sale of alcoholic beverages at private catering event; written notice; penalties for violation - Chapter 138, Section 12C
(a) The commission may issue an annual caterer’s license to an operator of a catering business for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licensing of railroad or car and airline corporations; vessel owners and operators; shipping companies and ship chandlers - Chapter 138, Section 13
A railroad or car corporation operating any line of railroad or furnishing refreshments upon railroad cars within the commonwealth may sell, in any dining, club,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Special licenses to managers of indoor or outdoor activities; fees - Chapter 138, Section 14
In a city or town wherein the granting of licenses to sell all alcoholic beverages or wines and malt beverages only is authorized under this...
- Massachusetts General Laws - License for sale of wine at auction; fee; time for auction; sample wine tastings - Chapter 138, Section 14A
The licensing authority in any city or town wherein the granting of licenses to sell all alcoholic beverages or wines and malt beverages only may...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licensing authorizing sale of beverages not to be drunk on premises; applications; approval; price lists; renewals; fees; hours of sales; samples - Chapter 138, Section 15
[ First paragraph effective until January 1, 2016. For text effective January 1, 2016, see below.] The local licensing authorities in any city or town...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Application for licenses; statement of beneficial interests; corporate stock transfers; filing notation; publication of notice; hearing; plan of premises; transfers; notice to abutting property owners; complaints; appeals; cancellation of licenses - Chapter 138, Section 15A
All applications for an original license under sections twelve and fifteen shall be made on a form or forms to be prescribed by the commission...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1990, 69, Sec. 2 - Chapter 138, Section 15B
Repealed, 1990, 69, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1991, 1, Sec. 2 - Chapter 138, Section 15C
Repealed, 1991, 1, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1993, 313, Sec. 2 - Chapter 138, Section 15D 15E
Repealed, 1993, 313, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Special license for sale of wine produced by farmer-winery for off-premises consumption at indoor or outdoor agricultural event - Chapter 138, Section 15F
Notwithstanding any other provision of chapter 138, in any city or town wherein the granting of licenses to sell wine is authorized under this chapter,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Dilution, changing or tampering with alcoholic beverages; suspension of license; prima facie evidence - Chapter 138, Section 16
Any person holding a license under section twelve, thirteen, fourteen or fifteen who, directly or through any agent, employee or other person, dilutes or changes...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Renewal of annual licenses; number limitation; rejection of application; appeal - Chapter 138, Section 16A
Licenses issued under section twelve or fifteen shall be automatically renewed for the next annual license period upon application by the holder thereof during the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Time within which application for licenses shall be granted or dismissed; notice of approval; number of applications - Chapter 138, Section 16B
Applications for licenses or permits authorized to be granted by the commission shall be granted or dismissed not later than thirty days after the filing...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licenses for premises near schools or churches - Chapter 138, Section 16C
Premises, except those of an innholder and except such parts of buildings as are located ten or more floors above street level, located within a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 2000, 64 - Chapter 138, Section 16D
Repealed, 2000,
- Massachusetts General Laws - Number of licenses quotas; licenses for wines and malt beverages per population unit; additional licenses; estimates of increased population; decrease in quota due to loss in population; determination of population of city or town - Chapter 138, Section 17
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the number of licenses issued in any city or town under sections twelve and fifteen and in force...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Grant of additional licenses for sale of alcoholic beverages drunk on premises - Chapter 138, Section 17A
In any city or town which accepts the provisions of this section, a local licensing authority which granted seasonal all alcoholic beverage or wine and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Grant of additional licenses for sale of alcoholic beverages drunk off premises - Chapter 138, Section 17B
In any city or town which accepts the provisions of this section, a local licensing authority which granted seasonal all alcoholic beverage or wine and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Grant of additional licenses under former law for sale of alcoholic beverages drunk on premises - Chapter 138, Section 17C
Any city or town, which has accepted the provisions of section seventeen A of chapter one hundred and thirty-eight of the General Laws, as appearing...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Wholesalers’ and importers’ licenses; compounding, blending, warehousing, and shipping of alcoholic beverages; fees; records - Chapter 138, Section 18
The commission may issue to any individual who is both a citizen and resident of the commonwealth, and to any ship chandler licensed under the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licenses for agents or brokers of foreign manufacturers and importers; records; fees - Chapter 138, Section 18A
The commission may issue to any individual who is both a citizen and resident of the commonwealth, or to any partnership composed solely of such...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of certificates of compliance to licensees authorized to export or sell alcoholic beverages to domestic licensees; information concerning shipments; issuance of certificates to immediate family; cancellation and revocation of certificates - Chapter 138, Section 18B
The commission shall issue a certificate of compliance to a licensee having a place of business located, and a license granted, outside the commonwealth and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - License to import alcoholic beverages in connection with manufacture of food products; fees - Chapter 138, Section 18C
(a) The commission may issue to an individual who is both a citizen and resident of the commonwealth or to a corporation organized under the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licenses to manufacture alcoholic beverages; sale by manufacturer; blending of alcoholic beverages; marks to identify manufacturer; records of manufacturer; fees - Chapter 138, Section 19
The commission may issue to any individual who is both a citizen and resident of the commonwealth and to partnerships, composed solely of such individuals,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Permits for salesmen to solicit orders for alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 19A
The commission may annually grant to individual citizens of the commonwealth employed as salesmen for licensees under section 18, 18A, 19B, 19C or 19D and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Farmer-winery licenses; hearing; appeal; notices to interested parties; operation of winery; records; fees - Chapter 138, Section 19B
(a) For the purpose of encouraging the development of domestic vineyards, the commission shall issue a farmer-winery license to any applicant who is both a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Farmer-brewery licenses; hearing; appeal; notices to interested parties; operation of brewery; records; fees - Chapter 138, Section 19C
(a) For the purpose of encouraging the development of domestic farms, the commission shall issue a farmer-brewery license to any applicant who is both a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Pub brewery licenses; hearings; records; fees - Chapter 138, Section 19D
(a) The commission shall issue a pub brewery license to an applicant who is a citizen or permanent legal resident of the commonwealth and to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Farmer-distillery licenses; applicants; requirements; evidentiary hearings; written notice of applications; schools and churches; fees - Chapter 138, Section 19E
(a) For the purpose of encouraging the development of domestic farms, the commission shall issue a farmer-distillery license to an applicant who is both a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Shipment licenses for large and small wineries; regulation and enforcement by commission - Chapter 138, Section 19F
(a) The commission may issue to an applicant, who: (1) operates a winery whose total annual production, including that of its affiliates, franchises and subsidiaries,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Storage permits; special warehouse permits; special seasonal permits; fees; rules and regulations - Chapter 138, Section 20
The commission may grant to any holder of a manufacturer’s, farmer-winery, farmer-brewery or wholesaler’s and importer’s license under this chapter a permit to store in...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Storage permits for public warehousemen - Chapter 138, Section 20A
The commission may annually grant to a person or corporation licensed as a public warehouseman under section one of chapter one hundred and five, or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Liability of manufacturer, winegrower, farmer-brewer, wholesaler, importer and licensee for excise; fines; administration of tax - Chapter 138, Section 21
Every licensed manufacturer of alcoholic beverages or alcohol as defined in this chapter, and every winegrower under section nineteen B, and every farmer-brewer under section...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Transportation of alcoholic beverages; permits; fees; railroads or vessels; trucking businesses; production of permit upon demand - Chapter 138, Section 22
Any person may, but only for his own use and that of his family and guests, transport alcoholic beverages or alcohol, without any license or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Permits to holders or former holders of licenses authorizing sales to licensees; fees; excises; permits for researchers - Chapter 138, Section 22A
Upon payment of a fee to be fixed by the commission in each case and subject to such terms and conditions as it may prescribe,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Nature of licenses and permits; status as property rights; refusal to issue or reissue, revocation, etc.; refund of fee; transfers; death, receivership or bankruptcy of licensee; expiration; pledging for loans - Chapter 138, Section 23
The terms licenses and permits, wherever employed as substantives in this chapter, are used in their technical sense of a license or permit, transferable only...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Suspension of license or permit for violation of fair trade laws - Chapter 138, Section 23A
Whenever the commission makes a finding that a holder of a license or permit issued under this chapter has violated any of the provisions of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Retention of license where premises of licensee taken by public authority; transfer application; reservation of license; rebate of fee; renewal application - Chapter 138, Section 23B
Any holder of a license issued under this chapter to do business on certain premises which are subsequently taken by public authority and who is...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Promulgation by commission; approval - Chapter 138, Section 24
The commission shall, in accordance with chapter thirty A and with the approval of the treasurer, make regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Lending or borrowing money or receipt of credit by licensees - Chapter 138, Section 25
It shall be unlawful for any licensee under this chapter to lend or borrow money, directly or indirectly, to or from any other licensee under...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Discrimination in prices and discounts prohibited - Chapter 138, Section 25A
No licensee authorized under this chapter to sell alcoholic beverages to wholesalers or retailers shall— (a) Discriminate, directly or indirectly, in price, in discounts for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Filing of schedules; inspection - Chapter 138, Section 25B
(a) No brand of alcoholic beverages shall be sold within the commonwealth to a wholesaler unless schedules, as provided by this section, are filed with...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Filing of schedule of minimum consumer prices; verification; filing and effective dates; inspection; rules and regulations - Chapter 138, Section 25C
(a) No brand of alcoholic beverages shall be sold within the commonwealth to a wholesaler or retailer, and no manufacturer, winegrower, farmer-brewer or wholesaler shall...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Price discrimination - Chapter 138, Section 25D
(a) There shall be filed with, and when filed shall be deemed part of, the schedule filed for a brand of alcoholic beverages pursuant to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Refusal to sell brand name alcoholic beverages to wholesalers as unfair trade practice; exception for good cause; discontinuance notice and procedure - Chapter 138, Section 25E
It shall be an unfair trade practice and therefor unlawful for any manufacturer, winegrower, farmer-brewer, importer or wholesaler of any alcoholic beverages, to refuse to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Provision of free wine, malt beverages, liqueurs, cordials and alcoholic beverages for tastings; limits; requirements - Chapter 138, Section 25F
(a) Licensees under sections 18, 19 and 19B may provide free wine lawfully sold by such licensees to licensees authorized pursuant to section 12 to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of license and permit to aliens; appointment of local manager or principal representative by foreign corporations - Chapter 138, Section 26
No license for the sale of alcoholic beverages or alcohol and no vehicle permit for the transportation thereof shall be issued to any person who...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Crediting of fees for licenses and permits to general fund; payment of fees for licenses and permits granted by local authorities into local treasuries - Chapter 138, Section 27
All fees for licenses and permits authorized to be granted by the commission under this chapter, and all moneys payable under section twenty-one, shall be...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sale of alcoholic beverage to churches, religious societies, hospitals, homes for aged people and to manufacturers of food products - Chapter 138, Section 28
The holder of a license under section 18, 19, 19B, 19C or 19D may sell those alcoholic beverages which such licensees are authorized to sell...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Use and sale of alcoholic beverages by registered pharmacists; prescriptions; prescription books; sales in original sealed packages - Chapter 138, Section 29
A registered pharmacist in a city or town who holds a certificate of fitness under the following section, having complied with all provisions of law...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of certificate of fitness to registered pharmacist; fee; revocation - Chapter 138, Section 30
The board of registration in pharmacy may issue to a registered pharmacist who desires to exercise the authority conferred by section twenty-nine, a certificate of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Registered pharmacists’ licenses to sell alcoholic beverages without prescription; hours of sales - Chapter 138, Section 30A
A registered pharmacist in a city or town wherein the granting of licenses to sell all alcoholic beverages is authorized may be licensed by the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Kinds of licenses issued to druggists under Sec. 30A; transfers - Chapter 138, Section 30B
One or more licenses may be granted annually under the provisions of section thirty A by the licensing authorities of a city or town to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Termination of druggist’s license upon cessation of business - Chapter 138, Section 30C
A license issued under section thirty A shall become null and void without any process or decree, if the registered pharmacist to whom it has...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Purpose of sale of alcoholic beverages; certificate of purchaser - Chapter 138, Section 30D
Retail pharmacists licensed under section thirty A shall not sell alcoholic beverages of any kind for medicinal, mechanical or chemical purposes except upon the certificate...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Record book of registered pharmacists of sales of alcoholic beverages; form of certificate - Chapter 138, Section 30E
Every retail pharmacist licensed under section thirty A shall keep a book in which he shall enter, at the time of every such sale, the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Inspection of books, certificates and prescriptions - Chapter 138, Section 30F
The book, certificates and prescriptions provided for in the two preceding sections shall at all times be kept on the licensed premises and be open...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Illegal sale of alcoholic beverages in name of registered pharmacist - Chapter 138, Section 30G
A person, not a registered pharmacist, who procures a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages under section thirty A in the name of a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Possession or transportation of alcoholic beverages not authorized to be sold as prima facie evidence of violation of chapter - Chapter 138, Section 30H
Possession on the licensed premises by any licensee under this chapter of any alcoholic beverages or alcohol not authorized to be sold or used under...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1962, 333 - Chapter 138, Section 31
Repealed, 1962,
- Massachusetts General Laws - Hawking or peddling of alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 32
No holder of a license or permit under this chapter shall himself or through an agent or employee go from town to town or from...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sales and delivery of alcoholic beverages on election days, Sundays and legal holidays - Chapter 138, Section 33
(a) No licensee under section 15 shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages, and no registered pharmacist acting under section 29 and no licensee under section...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sales of alcoholic beverages by on-premise licensees on Sundays and certain legal holidays; sales between 1:00 A.M. and 2:00 A.M. - Chapter 138, Section 33A
The local licensing authority of any city or town which accepts this section may authorize licensees under section twelve to sell alcoholic beverages between the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sales of alcoholic beverages by on-premise licensees on Sundays and certain legal holidays; sales between 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon - Chapter 138, Section 33B
The local licensing authority of any city or town which accepts this section may authorize licensees under section twelve to sell alcoholic beverages between the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sale, delivery or furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons under twenty-one years of age; employment of persons under eighteen years of age - Chapter 138, Section 34
No person shall receive a license or permit under this chapter who is under 21 years of age. Whoever makes a sale or delivery of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Persons under twenty-one years; purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 34A
Any person under twenty-one years of age who purchases or attempts to purchase alcoholic beverages or alcohol, or makes arrangements with any person to purchase...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Liquor purchase identification cards - Chapter 138, Section 34B
Any person who shall have attained age twenty-one and does not hold a valid operator’s license issued by the registry of motor vehicles, pursuant to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Minors; operation of motor vehicle containing alcoholic beverage; suspension of driver’s license - Chapter 138, Section 34C
Whoever, being under twenty-one years of age and not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, knowingly possesses, transports or carries on his person, any...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Posting notices of penalties for driving while under influence and driving while drinking from open container of alcohol - Chapter 138, Section 34D
Any establishment which sells alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises, shall post a copy of the penalties set forth in subdivision (1) of...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sales of alcoholic beverages outside limits of reservations or boulevards - Chapter 138, Section 35
No rule or regulation made by the commissioner of conservation and recreation for the government and use of the reservations or boulevards under its care...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Analysis of alcoholic beverages by department of state police - Chapter 138, Section 36
The analyst or assistant analyst of the department of state police shall upon request make, free of charge, an analysis of all alcoholic beverages sent...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Certificate accompanying sample of beverages to be analyzed; contents - Chapter 138, Section 37
A certificate shall accompany each sample of beverages sent for analysis by an officer to the department of state police stating from whom the beverages...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Forms of commission - Chapter 138, Section 38
The commission shall provide and cause officers of be supplied with a suitable number of the forms prescribed by section thirty-seven. The certificate of the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Tampering with samples of alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 39
No person shall tamper with samples of alcoholic beverages taken as provided in section sixty-three or alter the statements made upon the forms or certificates
- Massachusetts General Laws - Analysis of alcoholic beverages by court order; fee - Chapter 138, Section 40
Any court may cause alcoholic beverages which have been seized under this chapter to be analyzed by a competent chemist, and the reasonable expense thereof,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Delivery of alcoholic beverages as prima facie evidence of sale - Chapter 138, Section 41
The delivery of alcoholic beverages in or from a building, booth, stand or other place, except a private dwelling house, or in or from a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of search warrant - Chapter 138, Section 42
If two persons of full age make complaint to a district court or justice of the peace authorized to issue warrants in criminal cases that...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Search of dwelling house - Chapter 138, Section 43
A warrant shall not be issued for the search of a dwelling house, if no inn, tavern, store, grocery, eating house or place of common...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sufficiency of complaint and warrant - Chapter 138, Section 44
The complaint shall particularly designate the building, structure and place to be searched, the alcoholic beverages to be seized, the person by whom they are...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Search of premises; seizure of alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 45
The officer to whom the warrant is committed shall search the premises and seize the alcoholic beverages described in the warrant, the casks or other...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Searches and seizures without warrant - Chapter 138, Section 46
A sheriff, deputy sheriff, city marshal, chief of police, deputy chief of police, deputy or assistant marshal, police officer, including a state police officer, or...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Notice to keeper of alcoholic beverages to appear and answer complaint - Chapter 138, Section 47
The court before whom the warrant is returned shall, within twenty-four hours after the seizure thereunder of the alcoholic beverages and the vessels containing them,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Notice; contents; service - Chapter 138, Section 48
The notice shall contain a description of the number and kind of vessels, the quantity and kind of alcoholic beverages seized, as nearly as may...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Postponement of trial - Chapter 138, Section 49
If, at the time appointed for trial, said notice has not been duly served, or other sufficient cause appears, the trial may be postponed to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Admission of claimant of alcoholic beverages as party to trial; forfeiture of alcoholic beverages unlawfully kept; sale of motor vehicle held to be implement or container of alcoholic beverages - Chapter 138, Section 50
At the time and place designated in the notice, the person complained against, or any person claiming an interest in the alcoholic beverages and vessel...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Disposition of forfeited alcoholic beverages and vessels - Chapter 138, Section 51
Any beverages and vessels so forfeited shall, by authority of the written order of the court, be forwarded to the colonel of the state police,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Return of alcoholic beverages not forfeited; order; endorsement - Chapter 138, Section 52
If it is not proved on the trial that all or part of the beverages seized was kept or deposited for sale contrary to law,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Forfeiture and disposition of implements and furniture - Chapter 138, Section 53
All implements of sale and furniture seized under sections forty-two and forty-five shall be forfeited and disposed of in the manner provided for the forfeiture...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Cost of proceedings - Chapter 138, Section 54
If no person appears and is admitted as a party as aforesaid, or if judgment is rendered in favor of all the claimants who appear,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appeal - Chapter 138, Section 55
A claimant whose claim is not allowed as aforesaid, and the person complained against, shall each have the same right of appeal to the superior...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Arrest without warrant of persons found in act of illegally manufacturing or selling alcoholic beverages; seizures - Chapter 138, Section 56
A deputy sheriff, chief of police, deputy chief of police, city marshal, deputy or assistant marshal, police officer including a state police officer, or constable,...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Notification of licensing authorities of conviction of holder of license, permit or certificate - Chapter 138, Section 57
Upon the conviction of a holder of a license, permit or certificate of fitness under this chapter of the violation of any law relative to...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Notice of conviction of tenant to owner of building used for illegal keeping or sale - Chapter 138, Section 58
Upon the conviction of a person of the illegal keeping or sale of alcoholic beverages, the court wherein he has been convicted shall issue and...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Forms used in prosecutions - Chapter 138, Section 59
The forms heretofore in use may continue to be used in prosecutions under this chapter, and if substantially followed shall be deemed sufficient to fully...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Common nuisances - Chapter 138, Section 60
All alcoholic beverages which are kept for sale contrary to law and the implements and vessels actually used in selling and keeping the same are...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Buildings used by clubs for selling and distributing alcoholic beverages as common nuisances - Chapter 138, Section 61
All buildings or places used by clubs for the purpose of selling, distributing or dispensing alcoholic beverages to their members or others shall be deemed...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Penalty - Chapter 138, Section 62
A violation by any person of any provision of this chapter for which a specific penalty is not provided or a violation by a licensee...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Entry of licensing authorities upon licensed premises; taking of samples - Chapter 138, Section 63
The local licensing authorities or their agents may at any time enter upon the premises of a person who is licensed by them, and the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Hindering or delaying investigator, inspector or agent of commission - Chapter 138, Section 63A
Any person who hinders or delays any authorized investigator of the commission or any investigator, inspector or any other authorized agent of local licensing authorities...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Suspension or revocation of license; hearing; notice; disqualification; surrender of license; refunds - Chapter 138, Section 64
The licensing authorities after notice to the licensee and reasonable opportunity for him to be heard by them, may modify, suspend, revoke or cancel his...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sale of alcohol to person under 21 or intoxicated person; sanctions; liability insurance - Chapter 138, Section 64A
In any hearing by a licensing authority under the first paragraph of section 64 where a licensing authority finds that a licensee under section 12...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Insurance policy required by licensing authority; disclosure to insurer; proof of new insurance - Chapter 138, Section 64B
In any case in which a liquor liability insurance policy has been required or the limits of any such policy have been increased as a...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Delivery of license upon suspension, revocation, cancellation or forfeiture - Chapter 138, Section 65
Upon suspension, revocation, cancellation or forfeiture by the licensing authorities of a license or permit granted under this chapter, the holder thereof shall forthwith deliver...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Separability of provisions of chapter - Chapter 138, Section 66
In respect to their constitutionality, all the provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be separable.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Appeals on refusal to grant or revocation of license; hearing; notice of approval; revocation by commission; reappeal - Chapter 138, Section 67
Any applicant for a license who is aggrieved by the action of the local licensing authorities in refusing to grant the same, or by their...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sales or deliveries of alcoholic beverages in times of riot or great public excitement - Chapter 138, Section 68
The mayor of a city and the selectmen of a town may, in cases of riot or great public excitement, order licensees under this chapter...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Sale or delivery to intoxicated persons - Chapter 138, Section 69
No alcoholic beverage shall be sold or delivered on any premises licensed under this chapter to an intoxicated person.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Issuance of license or permit upon payment of fee; bond - Chapter 138, Section 70
No license or permit under this chapter shall be granted by the commission or the local licensing authorities unless the fee therefor has been paid...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Effective date of rules; approval of governor - Chapter 138, Section 71
All rules and regulations made under the provisions of this chapter by the commission shall not take effect until approved by the governor and council.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Repealed, 1934, 372, Sec. 1 - Chapter 138, Section 72 to 75
Repealed, 1934, 372, Sec.
- Massachusetts General Laws - Licenses for manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol for mechanical, manufacturing or chemical purposes; fees - Chapter 138, Section 76
The commission may annually grant licenses for the manufacture, transportation, importation, exportation and sale of alcohol for mechanical, manufacturing or chemical purposes only, or for...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Cancellation of license upon cessation of licensed business - Chapter 138, Section 77
The licensing authorities may, after hearing or reasonable opportunity therefor, cancel any license issued under this chapter if the licensee ceases to conduct the licensed...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Book entries at time of sale of alcohol; form - Chapter 138, Section 78
Every person to whom such a license is granted shall keep a book in which he shall enter, at the time of every sale of...
Last modified: September 11, 2015