Oregon Statutes - Chapter 442 - Health Planning - Section 442.507 - Assistance to rural emergency medical service systems.

(1) With the moneys transferred to the Office of Rural Health by ORS 442.625, the office shall establish a dedicated grant program for the purpose of providing assistance to rural communities to enhance emergency medical service systems.

(2) Communities, as well as nonprofit or governmental agencies serving those communities, may apply to the office for grants on forms developed by the office.

(3) The office shall make the final decision concerning which entities receive grants, but the office may seek advice from the Rural Health Coordinating Council, the State Emergency Medical Service Committee and other appropriate individuals experienced with emergency medical services.

(4) The office may make grants to entities for the purchase of equipment, the establishment of new rural emergency medical service systems or the improvement of existing rural emergency medical service systems.

(5) With the exception of printing and mailing expenses associated with the grant program, the Office of Rural Health shall pay for administrative costs of the program with funds other than those transferred under ORS 442.625. [1999 c.1056 §5]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008