Oregon Statutes - Chapter 479 - Protection of Buildings From Fire; Electrical Safety Law - Section 479.990 - Penalties.

(1) Violation of any provision of ORS 479.020 to 479.130 or 479.160 or rules adopted thereunder, or failure, neglect or refusal to comply with any requirements in these sections, is punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $50. Each day�s violation of or failure to comply with these provisions shall be deemed a separate violation.

(2) Violation of any provision of ORS 479.130 or rules adopted thereunder is punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $50. Each day�s violation shall be deemed a separate violation.

(3) Violation of ORS 479.150 or rules adopted thereunder is punishable by a civil penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $100. Each day of failure to comply with the provisions of ORS 479.150 or rules adopted thereunder shall be deemed a separate violation.

(4) Any owner or occupant of any building or premises who fails to comply with any order provided for in ORS 479.170 and not appealed from, or with any such order of the State Fire Marshal upon appeal to the State Fire Marshal, shall be punished by a civil penalty of not more than $500 for each violation. All penalties, fees or forfeitures collected under the provisions of this subsection shall be paid into the State Treasury.

(5) Violation of ORS 479.255, 479.260, 479.270, 479.280, 479.297 or 479.300, or rules adopted thereunder, is punishable by a civil penalty imposed by the State Fire Marshal in an amount not to exceed $250.

(6) Civil penalties under this section shall be imposed as provided in ORS 183.745. [Amended by 1959 c.406 §30; subsection (5) enacted as 1959 c.406 §29; 1977 c.619 §1; subsection (6) enacted as 1979 c.642 §12; 1991 c.863 §58; 1997 c.647 §§6,7; 1999 c.307 §§14,15; 2001 c.411 §§27,28]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008