Alondra Industries, Limited, d.b.a. Accent Insulation Company and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 41

          honored under section 1.162-7(b)(2), Income Tax Regs.  Here too,            
          there was no such free bargain.19                                           
               As petitioners concede, this factor favors respondent.                 
               (e) Internal Consistency                                               
               This factor requires comparison with how other employees in            
          the business were paid compared to the employee in question and             
          with how the employee himself was paid in other years.  Elliotts,           
          Inc. v. Commissioner, supra at 1247-1248.                                   
               In these cases, for purposes of comparing salaries of other            
          employees with Mr. Munro's compensation, we have information only           
          for 1987.  In that year, $500,112 out of Mr. Munro's total                  
          compensation of $1,000,112 was wages and salary, whereas the                
          wages and salary of petitioners' other two primary executives,              
          Mr. Brewer and Mr. Clearman, were $191,748 and $78,000,                     
               Although Mr. Munro's compensation in previous years had been           
          substantial, the management fee or bonus of $500,000 for 1987               
          was, as far as we know, unprecedented in the history of Pertinax            
          and its partners.                                                           
               Petitioners concede that this factor also favors respondent.           

          19We need not take into account either version of the                       
          Management Agreement, both because there was no free bargain and            
          because the record indicates that neither version was actually              
          given effect by the parties.  Thus, we need not discuss the                 
          parties' arguments about whether the Management Agreements were             
          enforceable under California contract law.                                  

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