Alondra Industries, Limited, d.b.a. Accent Insulation Company and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 48

          include respondent's trial memorandum, which we have admitted sua           
          sponte, permits us to conclude that the bulk of the disallowed              
          payments made by the corporate partners to Pertinax was used by             
          Pertinax to make payments to Mr. Munro that exceeded reasonable             
          compensation.  The record also discloses considerable payments by           
          Alondra and Edco to Pertinax during their taxable years in                  
               Unless we treat Pertinax as a mere conduit, our upholding of           
          respondent's disallowances of deductions for the same                       
          unreasonable compensation at both the partnership and the                   
          corporate partner levels will give respondent two bites of the              
          apple.  If we disallow the deductions at the partnership level,             
          having also disallowed deductions for the same payments at the              
          corporate level, then under the rules of TEFRA (Tax Equity and              
          Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), Pub. L. 97-248, sec.             
          402(a), 96 Stat. 648) and section 6226 respondent will be able--            
          and indeed obliged--to treat as income to the partners the                  
          payments by them, Munro v. Commissioner, 92 T.C. 71, 74 (1989),             
          that had also been disallowed as deductions to them at the                  
          corporate level.                                                            
               At trial, we asked the parties to address in their briefs              
          the consequence of denying the deductions claimed by Pertinax for           
          compensation paid to Mr. Munro that had, in effect, been received           
          by Pertinax from its partners and reported by Pertinax as gross             
          income.  It appeared to us then, as it does now, that disallowing           

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