Alondra Industries, Limited, d.b.a. Accent Insulation Company and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 53

          Mr. Munro and Mr. Clearman and the presence of an in-house                  
               Evaluation of whether, in this setting, petitioners Alondra            
          and Edco were negligent, or intentionally disregarded the rules             
          and regulations, is a factual inquiry.  C.T.I. Inc. v.                      
          Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1994-82.  Here, Alondra and Edco have              
          not given any credible explanation of what the payments for                 
          management services were in fact compensation for.  We are                  
          particularly struck by the absence of explanation by petitioners            
          for Alondra's $900,000 payment.  Under the circumstances,                   
          petitioners have not met their burden of showing that they acted            
          reasonably in claiming the deductions whose disallowance we have            
          sustained.  Indeed, they have not made such a showing with                  
          respect to any such deductions.  Consequently, all such                     
          underpayments as we find for the corporate petitioners we treat             
          as being attributable to negligence, and the section                        
          6653(a)(1)(A) and (B) additions to tax are imposed on them in               
          their entirety.                                                             
               (b) Substantial Understatement                                         
               Respondent also determined that petitioner Alondra is liable           
          for the addition to tax for substantial understatement of income            
          tax liability pursuant to section 6661(a).26                                

          26Also repealed effective for returns the due date for which                
          (determined without regard to extensions) is after Dec. 31, 1989.           
          OBRA 89 sec. 7721(c), 103 Stat. 2399.  The current provisions for           
          returns due after that date are to be found in current secs.                
          6662(a), (b)(2), and (d).                                                   

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