Gerald D. and Catherine Leibowitz - Page 53

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                                                                                                           Table 1                                                                                                                    
                                                                   Inventory and Valuation of Leibowitz Donation                                                                                                                      
                      Category                  Dimensions            Accessioned            Nonaccessioned                Total         Category          Category                Warren                 Everett                     
                                                  (inches)              Inventory                Inventory              Quantity           Price1             Total              Valuation3             Valuation                     

                      1-sheet                     27 x 41                  447                        66                   513               $19             $9,746              $1,441.00               $17,200                      
                      3-sheet                     41 x 81                  294                        12                   306              157%             9,128               759.50                  16,740                       
                      6-sheet                     81 x 81                  171                        5                    176              180%             6,019               478.00                  15,040                       
                      24-sheet                   billboard                 45                         3                    48                                83                  83.00                   16,200                       
                      Half-sheet                  22 x 28                  110                        4                    114              80%              1,733               260.50                  2,880                        
                      Insert                      14 x 36                  113                        21                   134              80%              2,037               250.75                  3,615                        
                      Lobby card                  11 x 14                  2,762                      96                   2,858            100%             6,788               1,587.05                23,090                       
                      Lobby card                   8 x 10                  296                        0                    296              100%             703                          3              1,184                        
                      B & W still                 8 x 10                   1,709                      0                    1,709                             189                 188.94                  5,127                        
                      Color still                 9 x 12                   18                         0                    18                                5                   4.50                    90                           
                      Lg. foreign                 47 x 62                  262                        187                  449              75%              6,398               445.00                  25,795                       
                      Med. foreign                23 x 31                  182                        85                   267              75%              3,805               76.25                   12,625                       
                      Sm. foreign                 16 x 21                  82                         38                   120              75%              1,710               31.75                   2,955                        
                      Pressbook                   various                  304                        27                   331              25%              1,572               81.00                   6,010                        
                      Window card                 14 x 22                  37                         2                    39               67%              496                 45.25                   900                          
                      Total                                                6,832                      546                  7,378                             50,412              5,733.49                149,451                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011