Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 68

          value than an identical amount of cruzados obtained on the                  
          parallel market for fewer U.S. dollars.                                     
               Finally, we agree with Dr. Cline that no discount should be            
          applied for the possible elimination of the official rate premium           
          at the end of the 12-year waiting period.  Foreign investors, such          
          as petitioner, who received dividends from their registered                 
          investments would continue to receive the benefits of a favorable           
          cruzado-to-dollar exchange rate during the years that the official          
          rate premium was shrinking.  Dr. Cline believed that a narrowing            
          of the spread between the official and parallel market rates would          
          likely be accompanied by an overall improvement in economic                 
          conditions, which would have a positive impact on the value of              
          equity investments.  In this regard, Dr. Cline testified that he            
          would forgo a 25-percent exchange rate premium for a 100-percent            
          increase in the value of his investment.                                    
               Determining an appropriate discount rate with mathematical             
          precision is impossible.  "Valuation is * * * necessarily an                
          approximation * * *.  It is not necessary that the value arrived            
          at * * * be a figure as to which there is specific testimony, if            
          it is within the range of figures that may properly be deduced              
          from the evidence."  Anderson v. Commissioner, 250 F.2d 242, 249            
          (5th Cir. 1957), affg. in part and remanding in part T.C. Memo.             
          1956-178; see also Estate of Barudin v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.            

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