Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 77

         FIA leases to be 11.49 percent annually. The purchase price set              
         forth in the March Agreement was subject to reduction in the event           
         that the yield on the leases, computed as of February 28, 1989, was          
         less than 11.49 percent.  The purchase price was to be reduced by            
         the amount needed to produce an 11.49-percent yield.48  However, no          
         purchase price adjustments were subsequently needed.                         
              D. Petitioner's 1989 Return                                             
              On its 1989 return, petitioner allocated $131,513,038 of the            
         $141,456,620 it paid for FIA's assets to the lease portfolio.  None          
         of the purchase price was allocated to goodwill.  The present                
         dispute centers around the correctness of petitioner's allocation.           
              E. Notice of Deficiency                                                 
              Respondent determined that petitioner overstated the fair               
         market value of (and thus its basis in) the lease portfolio by               
         $1,328,618, which respondent determined should be allocated to               
         goodwill, going-concern value, or other nonamortizable intangible            

               48   The required yield of 11.49 percent meant that lease              
          rents, plus book residual values, less nonrecourse debt payments,           
          when discounted to present value of 11.49 percent, had to equal             
          $39,788,569.  If the discounted present value using 11.49 percent           
          was less than $39,788,569, the purchase price was to be reduced             
          by the amount of the difference.                                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011