Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 79

         Regs., 53 Fed. Reg. 27039-27040 (July 18, 1988).49  After being              
         reduced by the amount of class I assets, consideration is allocated          
         among assets in class II in proportion to the fair market values of          
         such assets on the purchase date, then among class III assets in             
         proportion to the fair market values of such assets on that date.            
         Sec. 1.1060-1T(d)(2), Temporary Income Tax Regs., supra.  The                
         amount of consideration so attributed to an asset in classes I               
         through III may not exceed the fair market value of the asset on             
         the purchase date. All remaining consideration, or residual                  
         consideration, must be allocated to class IV assets. See, e.g.,              
         East Ford, Inc. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1994-261.                        
              Petitioner did not allocate any portion of the purchase price           
         to class IV assets.  If we determine that petitioner overvalued the          
         FIA lease portfolio on its 1989 tax return, then the difference              
         between the fair market of the lease portfolio and the purchase              
         price must be allocated to class IV assets.                                  
              Petitioner claims it neither acquired a trade or business when          
         it purchased FIA's assets, nor paid a premium for FIA's assets, nor          
         acquired goodwill.  Respondent, on the other hand, contends that             

               49   This temporary regulation was amended on Jan. 16, 1997.           
          See 62 Fed. Reg. 2267 (Jan. 16, 1997).  Because the amended                 
          regulation is effective for asset acquisitions completed on or              
          after Feb. 14, 1997, it is inapplicable herein.                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011