Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 70

          FIA specialized in the leveraged purchase and leasing of high-tech          
          diagnostic medical equipment to hospitals and clinics.                      
               FIA's leases typically ran for 60 months, which was less than          
          the estimated useful life of the leased equipment.  FIA financed            
          its equipment purchases using a combination of debt and equity.             
          Debt (which generally represented approximately 90 percent of the           
          cost of equipment) was typically in the form of a 60-month,                 
          nonrecourse loan from a money-center bank.  Prior to FIA's                  
          acquisition by Commercial Federal Corp., discussed infra, FIA               
          obtained equity financing from syndications,40  assembled  by               
          investment bankers.                                                         
               FIA customarily received an up-front fee or commission from            
          the syndications, out of which the investment bankers received              
          their fee.  At the expiration of the lease term, the debt incurred          
          to acquire the equipment being leased was retired, and the                  
          syndications' investors owned the equipment outright.                       
               High-tech medical diagnostic equipment, particularly of the            
          type leased by FIA, tends to have higher residual values than most          
          other kinds of leased equipment. FIA projected the residual value           
          of the equipment it leased to be in the range of 20 to 35 percent           

               40   FIA was a general partner in the syndications and                 
          received additional remuneration by sharing in the residual value           
          of the leased equipment with the syndications' investors.                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011