Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 86

              Mr. Huck criticized Mr. Fuller's rebuttal report, claiming:             
         (1) Rather than doing an independent valuation, Mr. Fuller merely            
         used Mr. Huck's analysis and applied an incorrect discount rate              
         (equity rate of return) to those numbers; (2) Mr. Fuller did not             
         consider recourse debt in determining cash-flow, but rather assumed          
         that any portion of the purchase price not funded with nonrecourse           
         debt would be funded with equity; and (3) a typical buyer of the             
         lease portfolio would finance its acquisition with a combination of          
         nonrecourse debt, recourse debt, and equity. While Mr. Huck                  
         discounted "gross" cash-flows (net only of nonrecourse debt) based           
         on the market rate for such assets (which reflected the required             
         blended cost of capital), Mr. Fuller discounted the same cash-flows          
         using an equity rate.  These cash-flows did not consider recourse            
         debt service, operating expenses, and taxes.  Because Mr. Fuller             
         did not apply his equity rate against equity cash-flows, Mr. Huck            
         believes that Mr. Fuller's analysis is seriously flawed. Simply              
         put, Mr. Huck claims that Mr. Fuller used an equity rate for                 
         purposes of discounting the lease portfolio's cash-flows, whereas            
         those cash-flows included a return on debt.  In Mr. Huck's view,             
         Mr. Fuller should have based his discount rate on the market                 
         receivable yield which accounts for the expected debt leveraging.            

          the portfolio below $130,184,420) because he did not believe he             
          had sufficient information to do so.                                        

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Last modified: May 25, 2011