- 10 - After the transfer of DHLI stock to Po Chung and nominees, DHLI was used for foreign operations and DHL for domestic. DHL Operations B.V. (Ops B.V.) was incorporated in the Netherlands on August 13, 1979, as a wholly owned subsidiary of DHLI. When Robinson and Allen formed the Australia station under the name Document Handling Limited, Australia, Robinson was a DHL employee who had invested his own funds in this business. The business founded by Robinson and Allen eventually became known as Middlestown, N.V., a Netherlands Antilles company (MNV) incorporated on June 26, 1979. For most of the period 1974 through September 1992, DHLI, its subsidiary, Ops B.V., and MNV were the controlling and operational entities of the international portion of the DHL delivery network. For the period beginning in 1972 and extending into 1992, DHL was responsible for handling the courier business inside the United States, and DHLI was responsible for handling the courier business outside the United States. Each company serviced shipments that were: Solely within its jurisdiction; from its jurisdiction that were bound for destinations outside its jurisdiction; and received from outside its jurisdiction with destination points inside its jurisdiction. DHL would also handle shipments from outside its jurisdiction that were merely passing through DHL’s jurisdiction on the way to another destination that was outside DHL’s jurisdiction.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011