- 17 - purchased air operations; advancing the worldwide implementation of best demonstrated practices in operations, sales, and marketing; and overseeing the global accounts program. Lupo was DHL’s general counsel from 1976 through December 1, 1984; CEO for part of 1986; a member of DHL’s board of directors from the early 1980’s until 1990 and chairman of its board of directors from 1985 through September 1986; and from the early 1980’s to the time of trial, a minority shareholder of DHL. In 1985, Lupo moved to England to coordinate the service requirements of DHL operations in Canada, Mexico, and Latin America with DHLI and MNV. Lupo continued in that role until 1988. From 1986 into 1988, at the request of Po Chung, Lupo coordinated the activities of DHL, MNV, and DHLI pursuant to an agreement with DHLI. Lupo also performed services for MRI. He was involved in MRI’s 1985 global strategic planning for DHL. From 1988 until 1992, DHL paid Lupo’s compensation and benefits, but permitted him to serve DHLI. He performed his coordination activities as CEO of WHQ beginning in 1988. In 1990, with the entry of the foreign investors, Lupo was placed on the boards of directors of DHLI and MNV. DHLI provided necessary capital to DHL through Nirada Corp. B.V., a Netherlands corporation formed for that purpose. DHL’s domestic expansion during the 1980’s was, in part, intended toPage: Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011