-15- Petitioner filed tax returns for about 20 years until 1979, and then he stopped filing tax returns. His failure to file tax returns since then is intentional. Petitioner’s most clearly stated explanation is that he was paid in Federal Reserve Notes, which are not lawful money and which are worthless. Yet, petitioner used the supposedly worthless Federal Reserve Notes to pay his expenses. We do not believe petitioner really thought that the Federal Reserve Notes were worthless. Petitioner worked for 24 years as a substitute rural carrier for the USPS, and from 1992 onward as a full-time rural carrier. Evidently, petitioner also had worked for another employer at some time--during 1993 he received $15,720 in pension distributions. We do not believe petitioner would have continued for so long to exchange his labor or services for the right to receive worthless paychecks or worthless currency. Again, we do not believe petitioner really thought that the Federal Reserve Notes were worthless. Petitioner took the trouble to arrange a home-made money- laundering operation, passing his paychecks through a bank account in the name of his son, and having his son write checks to petitioner on this account. Petitioner has not had a bank account in his name since the mid-1980’s. This is evidence that petitioner was concerned with making it more difficult for respondent to locate his assets.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011